Chapter 13: Red flag

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----------Comment if you're reading <3 And go check out my other stories! And shout out to Tiggermazz for saying she loved the first chapter of my story :D----------

"Gage? What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?" I ask, totally surprised. He comes over and sits in the chair beside me, looking over me worriedly.

"You don't live very far from my house, and I heard ambulances close by. I went to check it out, hoping my gut was wrong, you are." He looks a little pale, like he thought I was going to die or something.

"You didn't have to come all the way here though, Gage. I'm fine!" 

"You don't look very fine, Levi. What happened?" He leans forward with his elbows on his knees, waiting for my answer.

"I don't know much about what caused it, but it turns out I had some sort of seizure. The doctor said it won't be the last, either." Gage's eyes widen, and he looks troubled.

"And you have no idea what caused this? You don't remember a thing?" I shake my head, and he shoots up from the chair and starts pacing next to the bed.

"What is it, Gage? You look all...flustered." He stops pacing, and rubs his forehead.

"It's just...It's my fault, isn't it?" 

"Gage! Why-how could you even think that? You weren't even there." He sits back down and looks at me desperately, eyes watering.

"I know, but I have caused you so much pain, and-and-"I reach forward and pull him to me, hugging him. He really does think it's his fault. 

"Ssh, Gage, it's alright. It wasn't your fault in any way. I may not recall much of what happened, but I know I wasn't angry with you or anything. I haven't said this in a while, but I love you. I love you so much, Gage, and even if you cut my arm off that wouldn't change." He pulls back, dark green eyes boring into mine with such a ferocity it took my breath away.

I have no idea what compelled me to do this, but acting on impulse and sheer desire, I take his shirt in my hands and pull him down to me, connecting our lips for the first time. Gage's lips are soft, and supple against my slightly chapped ones. At first he pauses, frozen, but to my surprise he kisses back with the same ferocity I saw in his eyes, his arms snaking around my bare back. 

I entwine my hands in his hair, tugging roughly and softly at the same time, while his hands glide over the smooth pale skin of my back, our lips connecting and pulling apart in a passionate dance of longing and love. Well, on my end at least, but this sure doesn't feel like pure lust to me. 

"Levi?" We break apart instantly at the sound of my dad's voice, and we have an awkward stare down before Gage brushes past my father and out the door, leaving me with still tingling lips. 

"Um, hey dad." I lick my lips, probably making him more uncomfortable, but oh well. I can still taste Gage, and damn if I don't want more like, right now. 

"Levi. The doctor told me your...condition. I assume she told you already?" 

"Yeah, she did." He nods, wringing his hands. I just look away, not really knowing what to say. We're not exactly on good terms, so this is pretty weird.

"Right, well i'll uh, get your clothes for you and stuff." He stalks out of the room, and I let my head fall back in relief. Good grief, talk about awkward situations. 

And that kiss...where does it leave Gage and I? There's no way i'm letting him chicken out of this, nuh-uh. He's gonna have to face it like a man, because after getting a taste of that, I will be getting more, that's for sure. Okay, I sound like a pervert, but it's true! Either he's a great kisser, or there was some kinda magic involved. 

Kissing back like that, with that much passion and's not something that I could just forget on a whim because it's convenient. No one could.

Gage has to have feelings for me, I know it now. I'm not naive or dumb, I can read signals, how ever unintended they may be, and that sent off all of my warning bells and red flags. This boy wants some Levi-Lovin'. Geez that was corny.

Ten minutes later i'm dressed and shuffling awkwardly out the door with my dad, who's informed me that my little 'friend' has gone home. But that's okay, Gage. The old, somewhat newly refurbished Levi Jackson is officially back in business, and more determined than ever to make you realise that you belong with me, and to finally teach you how to treat the heart that you've been holding for so long.

----------lol sorry for the Taylor Swift moment at the end there, and for the shortness of this chapter. Comment? You'll make my heart melt<3----------

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