Chapter 21: Peace of mind

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----------There was an overload of adorable the last chapter, so I toned it way down because I had to buy a new cute scale. It broke. Anyway, read on ~(-.- ~)----------

The next day Gage said we were staying home from school, which was not argued by me no sir. There is no way I am going to that place and not be able to touch Gage at all, when right now I don't want to let go of him ever. Speaking of which, we also talked to Gage's dad about the whole situation, to see if there was anything he could do about it.

"He's at it again? I swear, that man is givin' me a headache, and I don't even have to deal with him like you kids do!" Zack shakes his head, sipping his coffee. It was early, and we wanted to talk to him before he went to work.

"I'll go and talk to him. If that doesn't work, than I will go to the school board." Gage sighs in relief, and I just noticed how much this thing actually bugged him.

"Thanks dad." He nods, and I smile at him.

"Yeah, thank you. Wiggins is really...mean." I say, and the room goes silent. 

"HAHAHAAHAA, OH you got yourself an innocent one here Gage! Even I thought that was kinda cute!" I gape at Zack, my eyes wide. What?! What did I say?! Gage is snickering to my right, and I gape at him too. It's a madhouse I tell you.

"Gage what the heck? What is so funny?" 

"Nothing, you just made the understatement of the year though."


"It was cute!" I scowl, crossing my arms. Jerks. I couldn't think of another word, so what! I watch as Gage and his dad laugh together, and surprisingly find myself holding back tears. I hadn't seen my dad smile in I don't know how long before he died. He was miserable, then murdered.

My bottom lip quivered, and I quickly left the room and to Gage's room. When I got there I sat on the bed and covered my face with my hands, trying to stop crying. I should just get over it already! He beat me when he was mad, and blamed me for my mother's death! So why do I miss him so damn much? None of it makes sense. 

"Levi? Hey, we were only joking, don't be mad." Zack comes in, and sits next to me. I look up at him in surprise, expecting to see Gage and not his dad. Concern lines his eyes as he sees the tears in mine, and I quickly wipe them away.

"Alright, I know what I said didn't upset you this much. You look like someone just kicked your puppy. What's the matter kid?" He says, and I look at him bewildered for a moment before shaking my head. 

"I was just thinking of my dad. Seeing the two of you laughing together, getting along I just..." I sniffle again, and he takes off his work coat and scarf, settling in next to me.

"See, that's where you're wrong. Gage and I don't get along. Much. Gage is sort of...mature, for his age, and i'm kind of, well, immature for my age. That being said, I annoy the bejeesus out of that boy whenever possible."

"Whenever possible? You mean you purposely annoy him?" He grins.

"You don't? He is so uptight! It's hilarious to yank his chain all the time, make him loosen up. Though lately he has been pretty relaxed. Thanks to a certain someone, eh? You been sexing my boy, eh eh?" He nudges me, waggling his eyebrows, and I blush to high heaven.

"N-NO! We haven't done that! Geez, what kind of dad are you?!" He laughs, and I am once again bewildered. He may be attractive, but he's a straight up weirdo.

"One that knows what teens are like. I know I was." I shake my head, then a question pops into mind.

"Does that mean you really don't mind that Gage is...well, I wouldn't say gay, exactly, but that Gage is dating me? A guy?" He sighs, leaning back on his arms.

"Can't say that I mind kid. He likes what he likes, why am I gonna stop him? Besides, even if I didn't agree with it, a relationship with my son is more important  to me. We may not seem that close, but since his mom died, I made it a mission to be there for him 110 percent." He says, gazing off in the distance with a smile, thinking of Gage's mom. I look away, the tears coming back and threatening to spill over again. If only my dad had been that mentally stable at the time. My mom's sickness and then death really messed him up. 

"Do you still miss her?" I ask softly, and his smile saddens.

"I do, from time to time. It doesn't go away, if that's what you're wondering. It'll be harder for you at first, like it was when you saw Gage and I interacting. But it does get easier. Once you accept that there was nothing you could do, you have peace. I'm not gonna spout you any of that 'you'll get over it' nonsense, because you don't get over the death of someone you love, and if you do, you have issues. You just get peace about it." His voice grew softer at the end, as his mind wandered to thoughts of his wife again.

The tears were trailing silently down my face now, but I didn't feel like outright sobbing anymore. I felt calm, yet determined. Abruptly, I hugged Zack tightly, taking him by surprise. I let him go just as quickly, and give a grateful smile.

"Thank you." He smiles back, an understanding of pain passing between us.

"No problem." He pats me on the back, putting on his coat and scarf and leaving the room just like that. Who knew Gage's dad was so wise? Zack Zachary, the name betrays him. I grin, suddenly feeling so much better. 

"Levi, what is with that look on your face? You and my dad didn't do anything inappropriate did you?" Gage says as he enters the room, looking at me suspiciously. I laugh, shaking my head no.

"Not yet. We haven't gotten that far in our relationship." He stops in front of me, looking horrified. I laugh again, pulling him down on the bed next to me and looking into his eyes.

"I love you Gage." I say, this time with more feeling than I ever had. He looks momentarily confused, but smiles at me nonetheless.

"I love you too, Levi." I lean forward and connect my lips with his, taking my hand and putting it on his strong chest. I feel so safe and happy right now, which is rare and possibly short lived. In fact, right now I feel almost......peaceful.

----------Yeah yeah yeah, it's short. I just wanted to get it out there, so people won't be like "oh why is Levi already over his parents dying?" He isn't -_-' But now, thanks to Gage's dad, he has peace :D Comment comment Vote vote! <3----------

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