Chapter Eleven: Ruari

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I woke up with a throbbing headache from lack of sleep and too much crying. But after a long, warm shower I felt refreshed. There was no sound coming from the other room so I guess Ciaran is already out somewhere.

I went to the kitchen to get breakfast and was surprised to find that Ciaran prepared food for me. There was a note telling me he already left for pack duties and a short apology for what happened last night. I snorted at the apology but I'm not one to ignore food so I ate the breakfast.

After cleaning the kitchen I sat on the living room and watched some television shows. I was flicking from one channel to another not really noticing what was on the screen.

I was bored.

When was the last time I went for a run or go to train? I've been lounging around doing nothing since I came here and I think I'm getting lazy.

I stood up to change to my training gear. Good thing I had the forethought to get some loose pants when Ciaran and I went to the mall yesterday. I grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen and went to the weapons room in the basement to see what I can play with.

Most of the weapons stocked in the room were guns and knives. Werewolves usually fight in their wolf form so I guess that's the reason for the lack of originality in the weapons room. Then my eyes caught something in the corner of the room lined together with some old swords and long bows. I picked it up, testing its weight in my hand. It's perfect. I grabbed its twin and walked out of the room whistling.

Luckily, I met no one on my way to the training grounds. I was hoping for too much when I wished the grounds to be empty this time of day but I easily found a nice spot just a bit off the side where I could meditate and do my training in peace.

I started stretching and doing light exercises. I removed my shirt as my body started to warm up. I left my feet bare because I'm more comfortable training without shoes, even outdoors. After getting the familiar feel of the weapon in my hands I started to do some routine moves just to make sure my body remembers.

I was resting and meditating when I felt Ciaran's presence and he's not alone. I could hear them whispering but I tuned out everyone, even Ciaran and Lorcan who were standing closest to where I was.

I could stop now. I've had a good start but I didn't want to stop half way. And besides, their presence adds pressure therefore good for mental training because the next movements I would be executing requires undivided concentration and presence of mind.

I opened my eyes and met Ciaran's unwavering gaze. He's waiting, anticipating what I'm about to do. Well, not to toot my own horn but he's in for a hell of a show.

I started weaving the nunchuks in my hand as I moved around the clearing. The feeling was back and even though I'm not handling a weapon that I personally own this one was easy to get used to.

I started at moderate speed, circling the space and spinning the weapon and hitting the air around me with enough force to fell an invisible opponent.

Every move I made is calculated, precise. When I got back to the center I started weaving faster. I spun the nunchuks around my body with both my hands so fast all anyone could probably catch from the movements was a blur. When I managed to find a rhythm that works for me I took out the other nunchuks resting in the waistband of my pants and weaved both with accuracy and precision that I learned through years of extensive training.

When I was in Moonscape I wasn't allowed to train with the pack so I never realized my potential and ability in fighting until after I ran away. I learned martial arts in order to protect myself. Rothe knew how to fight. It came naturally to him. But I didn't want to always call on him every time I feel threatened. I learned how to look after myself by taking self-defense classes and I took to martial arts training like a sponge sucking in water.

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