Chapter Forty-Two: Ciaran

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I jolted up from the bed soaked in cold sweat, my breath coming in short painful gasps. My head's pounding and my heart rate won't slow down. I fisted a hand in my hair and rubbed the other across my chest.

I have to go somewhere. Where? I don't know. But I have to go. Now!

I threw the tangled sheets away from my soaked body and stood up. I'm not back to my full strength but I can manage if I pace myself.

I walked out of the hospital thankful that I met no one in my way. It'd be embarrassing to explain this uncanny urge to go to a place I don't even know where.

After the incident earlier I demanded to know what happened and what caused me to be admitted at the hospital. Lorcan was the one who filled me in. First asking me what I could remember before proceeding to tell me what I seemed to have missed.

The pack doctor ran a lot of tests and honestly told me I had blanks spaces in my memory. It could have been caused by my injuries or by the extreme amount of poison in my system. It sounded odd to me but I do have that nagging feeling in my gut that I seem to be forgetting something, something very important.

He asked me if I've reconnected with my wolf, that perhaps he could help me remember everything. But after I shut him off earlier he haven't stirred since. He told me if my wolf had disconnected himself from me there's a high possibility that it might take some time to heal and recover the pieces of my forgotten memories. So basically, I'm temporarily screwed.

I walked towards the forest, allowing my base instincts to guide me. It felt weird because what I'm doing right now is just a shy away from being insane. But what do I have to loose? I feel like I'd go mad if I stay on that hospital bed.

My heart is still pounding a tattoo in my chest but now that I'm moving, perhaps walking towards where I want or need to be, it's not paining me as much as it did just moments ago.

I stopped by a clearing not far from the training grounds. Why do I have the feeling that I stood on this spot before? It's not unusual since this is my territory but there's a painful tug in my chest like I stood here watching something surreal, mesmerizing.

Pain pierced my skull and I groped blindly towards a tree, slumping on it to keep myself upright.

I remember watching a man here. He was wielding a weapon with such precision it appeared like it was part of his own body. The look of concentration on his face was beautiful, his movements were fluid and I've never seen a more awe-inspiring scene in my life.

Who is he?

I stumbled forward and continued on my way.

This is not it, the place where I need to go.

I have a feeling I'd have to experience more of this moments before I fully understand what this is all about.

I half walk, half run towards the border. And once I skidded to halt on the clearing a shiver snaked up my spine.

A battle was waged here. I could almost hear the battle cries, the howls and growls of the warriors that fought and died on this spot.

I could hear a voice calling out my name. An echo of someone I know but can't seem to remember. I  turned around frantically searching for the origin of the sound. But what greeted me was the memory of a beautiful tri-colored wolf lunging himself in the air and dropping in the ground to stand before me.

He stood proud, protective. Growling menacingly to those who wanted to hurt me. He commanded such authority it caused pride to swell in my chest.

It's him. It's the same man.

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