Chapter Thirty-Five: Ruari

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apologies to everyone who's been following the progress of reject. i meant to upload yesterday but something happened to my msword and three of the recent chapters were deleted and was unrecoverable. i will try to upload again later but no promises okay. i will just try my best. k",)

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Shit! What in the world happened? How could a simple talk turn into an all out brawl?

Bran and Sorell are still hunched and unconscious on the chairs I placed them on. They'd both be bruised and would be suffering severe headache when they wake up but the alternative could have been much so much worse. If I didn't step in when I did and separated them they could have badly injured one another.

Harkin seemed unharmed and unconcerned that Kevan turned on him to protect Lorcan and Prior appeared uninjured as well. They still haven't shifted back and seemed content to remain in their wolf form for the time being.

I looked over at Lorcan and Kevan. They, too, seemed fine. Actually, Lorcan looked like he'd never been better his whole life. Sure. Yeah. Whatever. His reactions to the situation don't take much precedence at the moment anyway since he's on a very complicated phase right now. But that's neither here nor there, so let's leave it be for now.

I turned to Ciaran and quickly scanned his body for injuries and sighed when I found none.

"Are you alright?" I asked just to be sure.

"I should be the one asking you that," he smiled.

Ciaran reached out to run his fingers on my cheek. The intimate gesture earned a feral growl from Kevan but Ciaran didn't spare him a glance. He continued to caress my cheek and it worked wonders in soothing my frayed nerves.

I closed my eyes and leaned in to the touch.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"For what?" He asked.

"Just because..."

He chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. The bold move sent Kevan on the edge and he lunged to charge at Ciaran.

I quickly maneuvered Ciaran out of the way just in time to grab Kevan and take the blunt of the attack.

We crashed on the floor with a resounding thud.

Kevan tried to fight me off. But for some reason, even on his wolf form, he was no match for me and I managed to pin him down without much effort.

"Kevan, don't fight me." I started in a gentle tone as he continued to struggle. I took care not to apply too much pressure on my hold and exerted just enough force to keep him down. I didn't want him to submit to me. I just wanted him to stop. "I don't want to hurt you. Please brother..."

Kevan immediately stopped thrashing and I slowly let him go, convinced that he wouldn't launch another unprovoked attack on my mate. Our heads snapped up when Ciaran suddenly growled. He was crouched on a fighting stance in front of us facing Lorcan, who was poised to lunge at me to rescue Kevan.

Gad what a fucking mess!

"Come," I turned to my brother and motioned towards the door. "Let's go for a run."

Ciaran and Lorcan moved to accompany us, so did Harkin and Prior. But I moved to block their attempts and raised a hand to stop them.

"Just me and my brother," I said. "Please."

Kevan turned to Ciaran and inclined his head. If he were in human form I'd say he has a smug look on his face right now. But since he's on his wolf form his expression just showed a sinister sneer showcasing canines and a lot of sharp teeth. I sighed and shook my head as he huffed and sauntered out of the room.

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