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Shocked and desperate voices screamed a warning as a young soldier jumped out of his plane and begun falling through the sky.

Falling helplessly, just him and the ocean below, he reached up to the bags strapped to his back, finding a thin string. He pulled at it, expecting his fall to slow by opening up his parachute. Nothing happened.

A panic began to settle in his chest, and he continued falling, realization entering his mind. He had jumped too early. Now, he was falling toward the gigantic waves moving below him. His green eyes watched the motion of waves grow larger and larger. Then, he hit the water and was pushed under them.

Consumed and helpless once again, the boy began sinking slowly under the weight of all of his gear. The young soldier flailed in an attempt to rise above the water, to get air. But he was stuck under the massive waves. He began to sink. The ocean was cold and stormy, the current and his gear pulling him down while his heart longed to go up.

Sinking down, he struggled and pulled but he couldn't free the bags attatched to him, the gear and bags which were drowning him. His lungs began to ache, and he felt the urge to gulp and try to breathe. His vision was dimming. The emerald green eyes closed.

He then snapped back into reality and pulled out a small pocket knife in his pants pocket that was given to him and began cutting the bags and strings of the failed parachute. Free, he swam upward, lungs aching, and broke the surface. Gasping, he looked around, only seeing waves and planes above him.

"Hilfe! Hilf mer!" He screamed to the planes and paratroopers above. Help me.

But, the waves were too loud and thunder too strong. His screams were barely audible.

The planes kept roaring, kept moving away.

"Nein, komm zurück!" He yelled, voice breaking as a wave brought him under. No...Come back.

Giving up, the boy accepted the fact that he wouldn't ever see his home again. He sunk slowly, the waves crashing above him.

He closed his eyes and waited for death to arrive.

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