23. Beach

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Freya's P.O.V-

Freya walked up out of the water, blue orbs squinted as she enjoyed the sunlight and the sand beneath her feet as water trailed down her. She turned around, facing the wind that blew from the coast and watching Axel struggle up the beach, limping again as he followed her. Her hair was let down and soaked now, hanging from her head in a wet mop like texture as she ran her finger through it to get sand and water out. She waited near the water as Axel picked up a crutch and the button up, then limped to her side, his hair also wet and sticking to his forehead. Freya held out her hand to help him and he placed his in hers as they walked back toward the blanket and picnic basket.

Freya let go of his hand as she sat back down near the basket and food, brushing off some sand that had blown onto it while they had been in the ocean. Axel sat down across from her, dropping the crutch and shirt beside himself as he relaxed again. Freya felt herself warm up a little as she remembered how she had went underwater for a few seconds as the wave had hit her, then resurfaced to see Axel swimming toward her. He had been worried about her. She held back from laughing as she remembered his flustered face as he had realized she had tricked him.

Her gaze flickered to his and she watched him ring out the button up, it must have gotten a little wet from the tide. He set it down to dry and then cleared his throat and looked up at her with his green orbs. He smiled, reaching for an apple and taking a bite of the red fruit, turning his gaze from her and back out to the ocean. Freya looked down and picked up a lemoncake, bringing it up to her lips and taking a small nibble. It was about the size of her hand and was tinted a yellow white color. Lemon flavor busted from it, but it was sweet and tasty. Just like normal.

Axel turned back to her as she folded up the napkin she was using, taking another bite of the apple as he thought for a moment, his eyes distant.

"You...scared me. The wave..." He admitted, voice loud against the wind, his face completely serious as Freya suddenly found herself worried about what she had done. Then, she saw the light humor in his eyes and she smiled softly.

"Sorry!" She yelled back, a smile on her lips as he gave up trying to be serious and smiled back, shaking his head and looking away as she saw his cheeks redden.

"It was fun, though. Swimming." He smiled, dimples showing.

Freya laughed. "Of course swimming is fun! Have you not swam before?"

"Not in the ocean."

"Well, now you have."


Silence filled the space between them as they looked at each other for a moment before looking away, Freya trying to think of something to say.

"Roger likes you." Axel's words made her look back at him in complete confusion as she blinked a few times. Axel grinned weakly, sighing as he let his gaze slide past her, "It's...knowing..." He paused, searching for the right word, "I mean, it's obvious."

Freya narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. "Roger hates me." She stated, completely serious. Axel's eyes widened and he raised his hands to show his innocence. Freya asked, "Why would you think that?"

He brought his hands back down, his eyes fixed into hers as he replied, "I can tell.""

Freya rolled her eyes, "Oh, you can tell? Huh, I would have never guessed. Yet I can't."

Axel smiled widely, a low chuckle escaping from him as he replied, "He looks at you different."

Freya waited.

"He tries to...protect...and help. He doesn't like me." Axel shrugged, still smiling as he watched Freya's frustrated expression.

"I think hes okay with you now. You proved your not as much of a..." Freya paused, then continued, "Rude person as he is..."

Axel smirked. "Did you just call me rude?"

"No. I called Roger rude." She replied, smiling.

"Umhm." He looked out toward the sea, black hair blowing around on his head as the sun hit his shoulders and chest. Freya noticed again that he was in pretty good shape, the German military must work their soldiers out hard.

Sunlight met her skin as they continued eating in a peaceful silence, the wind blowing her waves around as she dried off in the warmth of the light, not a cloud in the blue sky to block it out. Sand covered the ends of her feet, the little grains sticking to them as she brushed some of it off. Axel laid down on his back on the blanket and placed his arm over his eyes, staying in that position as he let the warmth soak him as well. Freya sound herself watching the waves as the rolled onto the shore and then fell back in a rhythmic motion, reflecting the sunlight and making the water sparkle and shine. Freya looked down at the sand next to her and ran her hands through it and then brushed it around, enjoying the softness and warmth of it.

Something felt off, though. Freya looked up, her eyes scanning the beach around her as she stared at the direction that led off the beach. Nothing was out of the ordinary as she looked around, her neck prickling as she felt under pressure. Letting out a sigh, she looked at a small patch of grass closer to the cliffs, a few bushes and flowers growing in the area. The cliffs laid down a few shadows, sheltering the plants from the sun. Freya looked at the flowers, purple. Orchids, maybe?

But then she paused.

The shadow that had been over the orchids had just disappeared.

Her eyes widened as she scanned the area again, remembering the shadow that had been sheltering part of those plants. It was gone. She stood up, which caused Axel to yawn as he looked up at her with interest, wondering what she was up too. Freya stared hard at the bushes as she felt fear creep up inside her chest. Something was off.

They were being watched.

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