12. An act of kindness

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They reached her land not too long after Freya accepted Roger's ride home, Roger slowing his horse into a steady trot as they neared.

As soon as they stopped, Freya released her grip and slid off the horse, walking up to the steps of the house and then pausing and turning around. Roger sat on his horse, hesitating.

"Well, thanks again. For...showing up." She said quietly, in the shadows as the sun rose behind the house in the distance.

"Your welcome. But do Ben careful next time. What would you have done if I hadn't shown up and you..." He didn't have to finish, she figured what he would have said.

"I would have ran."

"Freya, they are two times faster than you," He looked down at her, "You wouldn't have stood a chance."

She shook her head. "I know. I'll be careful in the future. I was lucky." She watched him open his mouth, his expression frustrated, but he changed his mind and nodded.

"Goodbye." She said, turning away, her mind returning to Axel. Her experience this morning hadn't been very lucky, and she now decided that until the war was over she would not go on walks alone.

"I'm staying here. To help out with the farm..." She turned around as she saw him get off his horse, holding her by her reins. His eyes narrowed. "Didn't your Grandpa tell you?"

Freya felt alarm pour into her as she nodded in dismay. Already? Her eyes narrowed and she took a step forward, feeling the urge to tell him she was perfectly capable being independent as she ran the farm.

"Roger. I don't need your help. I'm fine." She said coldly, looking up at him. He was taller than her, around 5'9. She was only 5'4.

He blinked, raising his eyebrows and scoffing. "Wouldn't you appreciate some help around here? I could help the garden, feed the animals, clean out the loft. Your grandpa named a list of things that needed to be done."

Clean out the loft. No. No, no, no. If he saw Axel, it was all over. She felt herself slipping, alarm in her eyes. Standing straighter, she looked Roger in the eye.

"I've handled this farm since my fathers death and actually, since before then. What is in your mind that is telling you that I'm not capable of keeping my farm going?" She insisted angrily.

Roger chuckled. "It's not me, I promise. Your grandparents asked me to help. It's an act of kindness, nothing more. Why can't I?"

Freya blinked, not seeing a way out of this. She could always tell Axel to be quiet and try not to be discovered but she would prefer to not have Roger around at all. Couldn't he go somewhere else?

"F-fine. But you will do the jobs I tell you too. Do not make yourself at home!"

Roger shook his head. "Whatever, mate. What do you need me to do now? I have nothing to do back at home anyways."

Freya sighed, looking around. "The fence needs t be repaired. The hammer and wood is in the barn, I'll get it." She began walking toward the barn, Roger following her. Freya prayed silently that Axel wasn't obvious to their sight...

They entered the barn and her eyes flickered up to the loft. She could see him peering over but when Roger entered he disappeared. Sighing in relief she gave the materials to Roger.

"Here. I'll be inside, cooking or something if you need anything..." She muttered. Roger took the things from her and nodded.


He left, whistling as he left, and Freya looked up, meeting Axels eyes. He was confused and scared, that much was obvious on his face. She lifted a finger up to her lips and motioned for him to stay quiet. he nodded, then repeated the action. Freya looked down, and then walked over to the ladder, reaching up to grasp the handles so she could climb up...

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