Officially meeting him

30 6 2

The door opened and my eyes widened

"Aliceion" Brandon said with a confused look

"You two know each other" Nanny asked

"No" I said

"He's in 2 of my classes but we're not friends" I said looking away

"Well okay then" Nanny said

"I wanted to welcome you and your family into the neighborhood" she said with a smile then handed him the cookies

"Thanks" he said

"My dad is upstairs I'll go get him but come in" he said then opened the door

We walked in and I looked around.The house was nice.Not nearly as nice as my house but it came close.

"Dad come down here" Brandon yelled

A man dressed in jeans and a blue polo shirt who looked to be at least 38 walked down the stairs

"I'm Richard" the man said with a smile

Brandon's dad and Nanny talked for about 30 minutes then I said

"I'd love to stay longer but I have a ton of stuff to do"

"Okay I'll meet you back at home" Nanny said

In reality I didn't have shit to do I was just bored

I nodded and walked out the door before I heard Brandon call my name

"Hey Aliceion"

"Yes" I asked

"Oh um never mind" he said then walked inside

Okay that was weird

I went back inside and saw my Mother sitting at the table typing on her computer

"Hey mom" I said as I walked by

"Hey sweetie how was school" she asked

"It was fine.Did you know that new neighbors moved in"I asked

"That's nice Alice" she said still typing

My mom and dad are highly respected lawyers so they have tons of work constantly.

"Well I'm going to my room" I said but she just nodded

I went back into my room.I called Chad and we talked for a little while before Nanny knocked on my door and said

"I'm going run you a bath"

I looked at the clock and it said 7:45 pm. I haven't realized how fast time was going by.I walked into my bathroom and smelled the lavender bubbles instantly.

"Thanks for the bath Nanny" I said

She excused herself and I undressed.I sat in the bath thinking about school tomorrow. I finished my bath and put on my pink silk pajamas.My mom and dad were so busy with work that they didn't bother asking nanny for dinner so I just skipped it.Nanny said goodnight and I laid in bed trying to fall asleep.After an hour of tossing and turning I realized sleep wasn't coming.I read at least 50 pages of the "After" but I still wasn't tired.Before I knew it it was 2 in the morning.I sighed and got out of bed. There was a small lake behind my house and whenever I couldn't sleep I would go there.I put on leggings and a T-shirt with my black Jordan's then quietly snuck out my house.

As I got closer to the lake I saw another person sitting down with their feet in the water.

"Excuse me this is private property" I said

The figure turned to face me then said

"Relax Aliceion I'm not an murderer"

I relaxed when I realized it was Brandon

" what Are you doing here" I asked

"Couldn't sleep" he responded

As I got closer I realized he was smoking

I walked closer to him and looked at the water

"You're not gonna sit" he asked

"Not on the dirty ground" I said

He sighed then took off his jacket.He put it on the ground next to him and said

"Here princess" with a laugh

"Thanks" I said quietly then sat down

"So why are you out here" he asked

"Same as you I couldn't sleep" I said

"Ahh" he replied then took a puff

He tried to hand me the joint but I shook my head

"I'm more of a drinker" I said with a laugh

"Suit yourself it helps me relax" he said

"Can I ask you something" I asked

"Sure" he said

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but how did you and your dad afford that house" I asked

He laughed

"You're a straightforward girl aren't you" he said with a laugh

"I mean I saw your truck and no offense but if you had a lot of money you wouldn't be driving that" I said

"You're right I don't have a lot of money but that house belonged to my Mom" he said

"What do you mean it belonged" I asked

"Her family had a lot of money and that was the house they bought for her but she chose to live with my dad is Texas instead of here" he said

"Oh" I said still confused

"They kept the house perfect because they were hoping she would leave him and they wanted her to have a place to live" he said

"They didn't like him" I asked

"Not at all they wanted her to be with someone who had money and unfortunately that wasn't him" he replied

"So why did you guys move here" I asked

"Because after my mom died my dad couldn't bare to live in the other house and she left this house to us so it was really the only choice we had" he said then took another puff

"Oh I'm so sorry" I said then be an picking at my nails

"It's fine" he said

"On second thought I want to try smoking" I said

He laughed then handed it to me.I took one puff and began coughing like an idiot. We both began laughing and for the first time in forever I was actually enjoying myself.

It's you Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon