Her dad

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       Brandon's point of view

After I ate Alice out we went back to class. I think it's really funny how Chad sits far away from us now. He's such a dick. But he's scared of me and that's good he should be. After what he said to Alice about her and I having sex I wanted to kill him. Now the whole school knows her and I fucked which is a good and bad thing. Bad because I don't want anyone thinking badly of her but good because these guys know they don't have a chance. I dropped Alice off then headed out to "get my tires" in reality I'm going find her dad. I'm debating on beating the shit out of him because of how he treated her.My god I hate everyone except Alice of course. Everyone else is so fucking obnoxious.

I pulled into a ran down apartment complex. It was shit just like Alice said. At first I thought she was being dramatic but for once she wasn't this place was actually shit. Thankfully this place Wasn't hard to find because Alice basically told me exactly where it was the night she came over crying. That night Lindsey and I were going to fuck but before we could Alice came over crying. I remember watching her cry and wondering how someone could still look beautiful even while crying. After she left I couldn't bare the thought of Lindsey so we just watched a movie instead. I got out my truck and started knocking on doors. After knocking on a bunch of doors and meeting drug addics and Prostitutes finally a dude opend the door

"Freddie" I asked

"Who's asking" he asked

"Me" I said getting Irritated worry

"Yeah that's me" was all he said

"Okay well you and I need to have a chat" I said

"For what I don't understand who are you" he asked

"I'm your daughters boyfriend" I said

"She sent you" he asked

"No she doesn't know I'm here" I said

"Good" he said

"I just came to tell you you're a real idiot she's amazing and you treated her like shit and if I didn't think she would care if I killed you I'd bash your head into the ground" I said

He looked at me so thought saying anything

"I don't know why she even came here it's obviously you're nothing more than a broke drug addict and honestly you're saving her by not being in her life she doesn't need to fuck up like you" I said then began walking away

"Hey" he said

I turned to look at him but said nothing

"It's better if I'm not in her life I don't want to mess her up anymore than I already have, take care of her for me and tell her I love her tell her I'm so sorry for not being the father she deserves" he said then walked inside

I got back inside my truck then started the 4 hour drive home.

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