Part 3

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That night, my classmate Pauline called me to ask about a question on our history homework. After thirty minutes on the phone, discussing history, our conversation switched routes, then Pauline asked, "So... are you okay?"

The question caught me off guard. "Yeah. Why?"

"Oh, cause, you know, the fight that took place in the locker room between Kenny and Bobby."

"Oh that. Well, I'm better now cause Kenny came over and promised he'd try to stay out of trouble and stop fighting."

"Oh... he told you that?"

I frowned and stopped writing in my English notebook. "Yeah. Why?"

I heard Pauline sigh on the other end. She sounded uncomfortable. "I guess no one told you. But, Kenny and Bobby have this big fight planned Thursday afternoon at the elementary school that's two streets away from that snobby private school."

I dropped my pencil in disbelief. "A fight?"

"Yeah. It starts at 9:30."

"Why so late?"

"I don't know. Maybe so less people could show up and determine the winner."

"Are you planning on going?"

"Probably not. The people going aren't really part of our crowd. And I'll probably have a lot of homework."

I was confused. "But, they fought earlier today."

"Yeah, but they didn't get to finish it." I was silent. "Are you gonna go?" I couldn't believe Kenny would lie to me. What the hell was his problem? "Hello?" I forgot Pauline was on the phone. "Susan? Did you hear me? Are you still there?"

I bit my lip, feeling frustrated, but trying to hold in my anger. "Um, I- I have to go. I'll, um, see you- tomorrow."

"What? Um, yeah. I-" Click. I hung up, not letting Pauline finish her sentence, and feeling a little bad - but I needed to call Kenny and hear the truth from him. I dialed his home number since he didn't have a cell phone.

After a good while, someone picked up the ringing phone. "Hello?" a female voice said. It was Mrs. Navarro, who had changed her last name to her boyfriend's, (Kenny's dad), three months prior. She sounded tired and slightly annoyed as there was lots of noise in the background - probably the TV, and water running in the kitchen or bathroom.

"Hello? Hi Mrs. Navarro," I said. "This is Susan." I had only met Kenny's family twice. "May I speak to Kenny please?"

"Kenny's handling chores right now," came Mrs. Navarro's answer. "Is it urgent?"

"A little?" I said, not sure if it really was. But I did need to speak to Kenny.

I heard a sigh. "Can you make it quick?"


"Alright. Give me a second." I heard her yell Kenny's name.

Soon, he was on the phone with me. "Hello?"

"Is it true?" I got straight to the point.

"What? Susan? Is what true?"

"The fight? You and Bobby. On Thursday."

"Oh. That."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause I knew how you'd react?"

"But you lied to me! You told me just this afternoon that you'd stop this fighting nonsense!"

"I didn't say I'd-" Kenny sighed. "Look, I'm not tryna get into this wit' you right now. I don't got time for that either."

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