Part 5

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   As I entered my house, the vibe felt weird and still. The living room was empty and the place was eerily quiet. I figured that my parents were still in the basement and Adele probably hadn't arrived yet. I decided to head up to my room before going down to see them. In my bedroom, I opened the lights, pushing the door behind me and sighed as I took off my shoes and let my hair down.

I then noticed that the slightly rocking chair near my bed was turned away – not how I had remembered leaving it as I always had it facing the entrance. I went over to it and began to spin it around, getting caught off guard by the unusual heaviness. I jumped back seconds later, surprised at what was in the chair smiling up at me. Sighing, I touched my pounding heart. Adele was sitting in the chair, a book in her hand. "Adele! You scared me."

She giggled teasingly. "Whoa. Someone's jumpy."

I walked over to my closet, already feeling like I was getting a headache. "How long have you been here?"

"I got here about fifteen minutes ago."

"Mom and Dad said you were gonna be here at six."

"Yeah. I went to see some friends first."

"Who drove you?"

"A friend." I nodded. "Mom and Dad told me you went to a party."


"How come you're home so early?"

I rummaged through the clothes in my closet just so I could have something to do. It was 9:25. Kenny and I had only been at the party for a little over an hour. "Um, there was a little conflict at the party, so we left early."

"Let me guess, it had to do with Kenny?" I spun around. Adele had a knowing smile on her face. She had always thought that Kenny was nothing but a troublemaker - though she had nothing against him as he intrigued her. "Did he start another fight?"

I took a few steps towards her and crossed my arms. "No. He didn't."

Adele rolled her eyes. "Chill out. I'm just kidding. Gosh. Come here. Tell me what happened."

I moved closer to her and sat on my bed, shrugging. "Some guy was saying some stupid things and almost started a fight with Kenny. So we left early."

Adele moved the rocking chair closer to my bed and grinned. "You think Kenny would've beat the other guy's ass?"

I lifted a shoulder. "Probably."

Adele laughed and slapped her thigh. "I need me some Spanish guy. They're the best and craziest!"

"He's mixed with black and Spanish," I mumbled.

"Right." It was silent for a bit as I stared down into my lap, feeling Adele's eyes on me. She leaned over and pulled at the bottom of my dress. "You wore this to the party?"

I frowned defensively. "Yeah. What's wrong with it?"

Adele shook her head. "Nothing. Just figured that girls today would wear clothes a lot sexier."

I got up and headed over to my dresser. "You mean provocative?" I pulled a pink pyjama set out of one of my drawers and headed for my closet.

"I mean, kind of. Isn't that the style?"

"Not for me."

"Oh right. Of course not, Miss Church Girl."

"Yeah. My bad. You're the party expert."

I got into my closet and closed the doors, changing into my PJ top and matching shorts. I heard Adele's voice say, "Gosh. You don't need to be so sensitive all the time."

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