13:Forgotten Memories

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"She's Alive Aiden... " Joan said trying to convince me
"Then where is She... " I cried out
"Aiden I'm here... " I turned to See Gold on a wheelchair with a Drip attached to her hand as the Nurse Wheels her closer.
"Gold.... " I said in a faint Tone, words can't describe how I feel right now.
"Are you Aiden??? " She asked as my brows Furrowed.
"Excuse me??? " I asked confused she just asked me a weird question.
"What are you talking about, are you OK.. " I asked as she squinted her eyes trying to check if I might be Familiar to her.
"I don't know you... " That sentence broke my heart into a billion prices, how could she say that.
"What did you do to Her??... " My eyes darted back to the nurse who Swallowed her spit hard.
"I.... I'm sorry... It was the only way to revive her to her conscious self.
"What did you do....???" Joan asked running to Gold.
"Joan.... " Gold hugged Joan tightly not letting her go.
"Gold Please tell me you recognize Aiden.. " Joan Said pointing at me as Gold eyes darted at me as she Tries to recollect any memory I've had with her at all.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I know you... " She said as My Anger burn through my veins and I raced to the Nurse and Held her by her Collar as her Feet Left the Ground.
"What did you do to Her... " I spat out as the Nurse Struggled in my grasps as her Feet kicked the Cold Air.
"I'm sorry, she was Brain Flashed... " The Nurse said still struggling in my grasp.
"Explain.... " I growled in between my teeth.
"The moment you left she started breathing but was unconscious her Brain was trying to recollect every information before she wakes up, but you were about to commit suicide so I..... I... Brain Flash her without thinking and she escaped all the side effects it's just that she didn't have enough time to collect all her memories so she Lost every single memory that has to do with you, I'm sorry... " The Nurse said as my eyes grew wide as I moved to the Edge of the Building.
"Aiden what are you doing... " Joan Yelled in a sob but my eyes were filled with Hurt to give a damn.
"How could you experiment on her like that when you knew well the consequences... " I said as my my Hands dug through her Collar as I blocked any Form of Oxygen passing through her Lungs.
"I'm Sorry sir...." the Nurse Coughed as I Dangled her over the edge of the building.
"sorry Won't undo what you just did Bitch, I'll make sure this is the last time you'll do this to anyone, you'll die today.
She was out of breath.
"Aiden, Stop.. " Gold Yelled as my eyes darted to Gold who was Struggling to get up as she stood Fragile trying to make her way to me.
"she Deserves to die, she erased your memory... " I spat
"I'm alive, isn't that what is important, you were about to jump and die, I know the Gold you know would never wanted you to kill Someone who just tried to stop you from making a big mistake, I don't have any memory of You but I know I would never be happy if you killed her.... " Gold is still in there but she doesn't remember me, she Held my Other hand and intertwined her Fingers with mine.
"let her go.... " Gold said softly as she Surrendered herself as she Rest against my Torso as I let go of the Nurse as she Landed on the safe side of the Top of the building.
As I pulled her into a Hug, Combing her hair with my Fingers.
I've been in Gold's Ward for the past two weeks , ordering her food, helping her take her Drugs and Keeping her Company almost every hour Joan starts to complain I've been Clingy but she's Pathetic, I'm only Doing this so that she would get better soon and hopefully Remember me.
As for the nurse she was Suspended and given a year leave for operating a Dangerous Procedure without the Doctors consent but later was suspended for Six months after knowing Gold didn't suffer any of the side effects.
Gold Laid on her Bed as quietly trying to avoid eye contact with me like she was now afraid of me.
"You don't really have any memory of Me..." I said as she sighs and nods.
"Do you at least remember your Family.... " I asked hoping to get a conversation started since she won't talk to me after physically witnessing me trying to murder that Nurse.

"I don't really know much but, I think my Mom was a Doctor, she took in for my Dad after they shared a one night stand, my Dad was a Heavy Drinker and he was going through this phase, My mom left her Job as a Supervisor and Decided to have a Family with my Dad while she did petty Jobs and my Dad took care of me, that's why I was always close to him, one day my Parents fought for the first time, I was twelve every day I saw that they threw punches at each other I cried to my pillow, I never knew what they fought about but I knew it was because of my Dad, the Soft hearted man wasted away each day, My mom left due to the Gossips that my Dad was a Gambler, she wanted me to tag along but I didn't want to leave Dad, I knew he was still My dad and leaving him will prove that I just gave up, the Day She Left I turned into a Workaholic, trying every means to provide for my Dad, until I later Found out The Gossips were true he Gambled all the money I could have used to pay our Debts, I always saw the best in others that what made me weak and I think I had an encounter with you somewhere but I can't remember and I know somehow I now stay in a Mansion and I somehow know Joan but the Other memories are a Blur I'm sorry.... " she said she almost recognized me but it's like it's hard for her to recall and I can't tell her that her Father Made a Bet with me and sold me, she's afraid of me, she'll hate me if she finds out.
"I'm Sorry about your Dad...." I said
"it's not your Fault besides, I don't know where is he.... After I left him I never heard from him again... " she said in a sigh, she must be devastated and she will hate me more if she finds out I landed her Dad in a Comma.
"Good Morning I'm Doctor ......Gold???? " a Doctor Who wasn't paying a single attention to Me and Gold as his eyes were stuck to his Clipboard Darted his eyes down to Gold as he Drops his Clipboard and making his way towards him.

Gold who Slightly got up to See if the Doctors face is Familiar.
"Lukas, Lukas Pines..... " she said as they both locked each other in a Hug, I Felt a Hint of Jealousy run through my veins as as try to breathe in Calmly as they both broke up from the Hug.
"You Were the Patient that Got Brain Flashed..." the Doctor what's his Face asked in Disbelief.
"yes she Got Brain Flashed and How Do you know her??..." I Spat out as the Doctor picked up his Clipboard and grinned at me.
"Gold Do you have any Memory of Me... " he asked
"yes... He was my best friend, while I graduated from high school and Turned into my Dad's Caretaker, Lukas Went Overseas to Study Medicine and he made a Promise to come see me which I'm now upset because we just met so you've been in New York all these years... " Gold was Furious at the last part and I grinned in victory.
"No, I got promoted and requested a Transfer to New York and when I heard it was New York I decided it was the Best time to see my best friend after all these years I missed you Gold.. " he said Intertwining his Fingers with Gold as She Smiled at him, the way she looked at him was different from the way she looked at me, she's even uncomfortable when I hold her hands she trusts him and feels safe even when they just reunited today, my mind was foggy and all was nothing But a Blur, I need to give myself away from Gold.
"Since you are here, I think Gold is in Good Hands.... " I said as I got up from my Chair next to Gold as I looked back to see Gold and Lukas Talking, it Does nothing but rips a Hole in my crushed Heart.
Gold please remember me soon I don't know how long I can bear this pain.
***GOLD'S POV***
After Aiden I think that's his Name I now had my breathing space he wouldn't leave my sight for two weeks, thank you Lukas.
"So who is he.... " Lukas asked taking down some of my Diagnosis.
"I Don't really know, I don't have any Memory of him, he says I know him but I've never met him in my life ... " I Said as Lukas Drops his Clipboard.
"So you were somehow emotionally attached to him.... " He said in a whisper but I still could hear him, I may have lost my memory but I ain't Deaf.
I ignore him as he continues to examine me and giving me a check up.
"Well you are Perfectly Fine it's just you have a mild Amnesia, you can't recall whoever memories you've lost it's like your Brain shut down those Memories and I'm not Sure You can ever remember......" Lukas said as I felt bad, whatever I had with Aiden is gone forever.
"I can't even have a Flash or a blur..... " he stops what he's doing and comes close to me as he sat at the edge of my Bed and Leans forward as his Fingers Found its way to my Chin and Tilts my head upwards as his eyes darted to my lips.
"You Don't need any memory of that Bastard, after what he did to you with his Evil Brother.." I was confused what does he mean.
"Excuse me???"
"Poor innocent Gold even if you have Amnesia you always see the Best in People... You'll be Discharged Tomorrow at noon, The Hospital is looking for a Nurse in Training maybe you could apply...... " he said
"What Did Aiden Do.... " I asked
"Make Sure you Get the Job, I'll sign you up all you have to do is To Make sure you are here for the Interview, all they need is a proof of your high school Diploma, this is a stepping stone for you to Work in a Hospital I'm Doing you a Favor because I love you and I don't want you to Get Hurt but when you get the Job then I'll show you what he Did.... " he said as he Comes my hair with his fingers as I nod in unison as he smiles as his eyes stuck to my lips as he leans Closer than before.

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