27: myths

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****GOLD'S POV****
"Gold how are you??... " I Flinched a bit turning to see Embrya pulling me in for a hug like I almost died or something but come to think of it two people almost died today.
"I'm Fine... " I said giggling ordering some food for Aiden.
"Aren't you supposed to be Resting you are Resuming Tommorow.. " She asked folding her arms over her chest as she arched a brow.
"I'm just getting something for Aiden... " I said as the Lunch Lady kindly gave me my order.
"Thank you.. " I greeted the old Lady as she warmly greets me with a bright smile.
"Pretty and Gracious, oh my that Aiden is a Lucky Groom... " The Lunch Lady grinned as my cheeks flushed red and Embrya Like a Jug traced her hands down her waistline as she gives me a look that Flushes my whole Face.
"Aiden Huh??.... " I Carried my Tray as she escorts me down the Halls.
"What about Aiden??... " I asked curious what she had to say.
"Is he the guy that gave you that Hickey??... " I slumped as I quickly got on my feet balanced holding up the tray.
"Ummh I don't know what you are talking about... " I said trying to hide a pinch of blush on my cheeks as I looked down at my tray.
"oh come on when are you going to tell me you guys are Dating... " She asked come to think of it Aiden never proposed or asked me to be His girlfriend.
"We Aren't Dating... " Me and Embrya could hear the Disappointment loud and clear.
"Then What the Hell are you doing with him??... " she asked.
"it's a Long Story..." I said, she wouldn't be interested about my Life based Reality Opera.
"Let me Guess you guys are friends with Benefits.. " She said as my Faced turned red.
"Gross !!! Embrya ??? We haven't even had sex.. " I Yelled at the top of my voice louder than I should have as everyone eyes darted to me in Sinister Shock.
Arrgh now Everyone is giving me strange Looks like I'm some Maniac as Embrya chuckled to herself and I hastened my steps, that's it.... after making me talk bullshit, I don't know her.
"Gold, oh come on.. " She giggled as she too hastened her step.
"Don't 'Gold oh Come on' at me as from now on I don't know you... " I said as I Flinched and my fast walk turned into a race.
"oh come on Gold I'm Sorry... " She said still laughing as I didn't stop, but kept on running.
"Gold Wait!!!... " I didn't Listen, I was still upset and that's when it happened I bumped into The She Devil.
My Tray Messed up her Designer Denim buttoned up dress as she let out a loud cry.
"I'm so.. So... So.. Sor.... " I can't say it, though it was at the tip of my tongue, let's just say cat Cut my Tongue.
"How Dare you?? Do you know how much this Dress Cost..." She Spat...
"Well I don't care how much it cost, if it Buys Your Damn grave, it's something though it's just a piece of cloth... " I said as Embrya opened her mouth wide down in Shock Surprised I could stand up to whoever the Fuck Ava is.
"You will pay I'll make sure of it... " She said as she Shouldered past me.
"What were you Thinking talking back to her.. " Embrya said still in shock.
"She was Being Rude... " I Hissed under my breath as I picked up my tray, now Jordan the Janitor is going to clean this up.
"At least you would have Apologized, Do you know who she is... " Embrya asked right now I don't give a damn.
"Of Course I do she a Bitch... " I Said straight up as I turned back to return the Tray.
"Ummh No, Do you know who you just messed with.." she said and I'm already Tired about this Ava thing Geez let she give it a Rest, I Straight up Hate Her down to the pits of my guts.
"Oh Come on Embrya give it a rest she's just a crazy lady who just tried to get Back with Aiden... " I said green with envy.
"Oh So you Are Aware she's Aiden's Ex Fiance and you aren't Worried.. " She said which made me nervous a little.
"I'm Aware, So What she's Aiden's Ex why Should I Care they aren't Dating anymore and Aiden doesn't have any Feelings for her.. " I said being a little possessive.
"Ehmmm Newsflash go brush up on a Fashion Magazine, she is Ava Simone, the Goddess of Fashion, the It Girl, the Model of the Next Cover, she's is Filty rich and Successful and running her own clothing Line and Is releasing another Fashion Line this Summer and she's New York's sex Symbol and was Voted one of the top Five Sexiest Women in the World for Six years in a Row she's like a Model and an idol for Teenagers and young Women all over the World... She's New York's Queen and Paris Heart Seriously were you born in this Planet... " She said as I rolled my eyes In an attempt I didn't give a Fuck what she said right now.
"So What she's Sexy, Successful and New York's idol what Does that have to do with me..." I said as we made our way to the Cafeteria
"I'm Just telling you to be Careful she was Picked as one of the most influential people in the World and one of the Ambassadors representing New York and so she's pretty powerful and can let alone New York but the Whole world go against you.." She said as I dropped my Tray at the Counter tired of this conversation I just lost my appetite.
"Fine So she's Powerful I don't Care she's out there Deceiving millions of Girls that it's Good to Dress up like a Lunatic and disrespect your Body and posting pictures of her perfect body spreading lies no one will love you if they don't Purchase her Wardrobe and worse have you checked the Medical report Every year more than two million people Suffer from an Eating Disorder because they want to get the perfect Body she's a Liar and a international Slut ...." I said as I didn't order anymore I'm true with this Conversation if I continue with this Conversation I might just Die.
"But she's Back, meaning the Myth are true.... " She said like a crazy person.
"What Myth??... " I asked curious she already got my attention.
"Aiden and Ava were the greatest power couple it's said they've been dating ever since they were in Highschool down to College, Everyone Dreamed to Have a perfect relationship like Aiden and Ava and Waited for the Day and then Aiden Knelt down on one knee and slipped a ring through Ava's Finger Making Him his Bride.
New York waited For the Day their queen will walk down the Altar and the Day Did Came..... " She said as she Stopped keeping me in Suspense.
"Then why Aren't they Together if they Loved Each other what Happened??..." I asked intrigued already already curious.
"Duh She Left him at the Altar and the Next Day a Video of her and Richard Having Sex went Viral, it was the Talk of New York until It got Erased from the internet but not From our Hearts, New York hearts were Shattered but after some Days past we were expecting to hear of her and Richard Relationship but She Went to her Twitter account and tweeted That she was Drunk and she made a mistake and everyone makes mistakes and express her condolence if she Hurt Anyone... " Embrya said and I Feel bad for Aiden no Wonder Joan could pick up a Gun and Shoot Ava, I would do the same. how come I'm knowing this Now where was I when this was happening.
"So Later She was ashamed and Left.." I asked
"Not even Close.... The Next Week Aiden and Ava were Found Together Making out according to sources they got back together, New York was Crazy about them they were the only thing close to true love but the next Day Ava left the Country and Tweeted It's Over, again New York hearts were broken..." Embrya said and I'm confused now that I'm getting the whole story.
"So Ava Broke up with Aiden and left him the next Day that Doesn't make sense.. " I said
"You See, you get it Threw New York in Pandemonium and when She was interviewed Why She Broke Up with him She replied saying that she loved him and still loves him but She had no choice it was the only way to protect him... " She said as I arched both brows.
"Protect him from what??? Heartbreak?? If that is it she did a terrible Job... " I said Furious I hate Ava even more.
"Many thought because She was Criticized because she Went From Pure and PerFect To Bad Edgy Bitch and started Dating Aiden the son of the Former Casino owner from Highschool, while others others thought she was Physically abused by Aiden but she Didn't Confirm any of it, Lastly They said Maybe because she was playing him for his Money and thought she didn't need him anymore since Aiden Willed her the Casino.... " My eyes grew wide in Shock.
"What was that last Part??? " I asked Curious
"Oh that's the Myth, Aiden Granted Ava the Deed to the Casino, nobody Knows if this is True because Ava Shut the Paparazzi out and Aiden is Secretive and never confirmed it... " This is all too much how does she know all this.
"But Ava always Followed Her Motto if She Wants something it's Hers..... " Embrya said
"So what?? " I asked
"it's still obvious she Has Feelings for Aiden and he may have Some for Her.... " screw that I'm gonna shoot Embrya now.
"What's that Supposed to mean Embrya?? " I Growled
"what I'm trying to say is You don't even know what you and Aiden Are ....and Ava is Back, if they could get back together after she Left him at the altar and after she Cheated on him then what actually stops them From Getting back together... " She's right and I hate that she is, Aiden never talked about our Relationship but I'm still His Bride Right.
Arrgh I don't even know anymore
"Aiden....." I didn't know what to say as Embrya point clouded my thoughts.
"It's Just True Fact Gold, and simple Logic, Aiden is a Billionaire play boy and it won't take long before he actually gets to you and under your skin I'm just trying to protect you, Just Stay clear from Aiden and leave him all to Ava, trust me I guarantee you won't get hurt.." I feel sick to my stomach like I was going to throw up but A Nurse Ran towards us.
"Embrya we need your Help..." the Nurse took hold of Embrya who Flinched.
"What's the Hurry, it isn't time for my Shift.. " Embrya Cried.
"Your Break is Over Jordan was Cleaning the Toilet and he Found a Lady Unconscious in one of the Cubicle ..."
"Oh my God is She OK.. " I asked feeling Bad
"Did You check her Pulse and Perform Any Medications on Her... "
"Yes but she didn't respond to any of them... " the Nurse Breathe.
"Gold I have to Go... " she said as I took hold of her Hand
"I'm Coming with you maybe you could use my Help... " I said hoping she agree.
"Ok Please Go get her Some Latex gloves and Face Mask and bring her to the Scene...." Embrya said as the Nurse Nods and took me by the Hand as we went to a Supply room and slapped on some Latex Gloves and Masks.
She Led me down the Halls as I heard someone Shout my name.
"Gold... " I turned to see Jayden but ignored before the Nurse leaves me Behind.
Jayden catches up to me as he as he walks by my side.
"Have you Seen Joan... " he asked
"No have you tried calling her... " I suggested
"I Did but she hasn't picked any of my calls or answered any of my Messages I'm Worried... " He said.
"Why Don't you try Calling her Again.. " I said as he brought out his oh his phone and dialed her number as he Walked with me side by side.
"it's Ringing... " He said filled with hope as we get to the Toilet and hear a Familiar ringtone to See Embrya Shovel out JOAN'S phone In her palms leaving us both confused I couldn't see the Patient clearly because of the Clique of Nurses Hovering the almost Half Dead Body.
"What the Fuck are you doing with...." Before Jayden could Finish his sentence His Phone slipped from his grasp and went Plundering down the ground as he Ran to Joan and gently slaps her Face.
My eyes well up as I ran towards Joan.
"What Happened to Her?? " Jayden asked as I noticed her Saliva foaming.
"She's Foaming..... That means.. " I gasped
"She's been injected by Carbonyx... " Embrya said finishing my sentence

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