26: blast from the past

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"Aiden.... " I Twirled as my eyes darted directly a woman she stood against the frames of the Door, she Wore Light Make up though but she went overboard with the Lipstick, you couldn't tell if she was Human, her skin was As White as Snow, as her Pale Skin glowed.
Her Long Blonde hair was Neatly Decked with a Hair band, she Wore a short Black Denim Dress revealing her perfectly toned legs, she Sling across a Purse through her Hand.
She Looked like a goddess but share a resemblance with the Undead but either way looked gorgeous.
A Smile crawled it's way to her Face she looked Happy and Excited as she Made her way to Aiden but Joan Came forward as she Stopped her..
"Ava... " Aiden said shocked as once Joan who earlier wore a bright smile growled as her Smile slowly Depreciated into a Ugly Frown, her eyes were cold as she Glared at Ava who doesn't seem to Shutter or Bother as Ava eyes Darted to me.
"Joan Get out of my way... " She Growled as she averted her eyes and Glared at Joan but Joan Fist Clenched hard ready to give this Ava a Bloody Punch.
"what Did you say to me?? " Joan asked as she Chuckled to herself but Ava His.
"I Said Fuck off I need to see Aiden... " She Growled ready for a Fight.
"And why should I.... " Joan Persisted.
"Joan Please.... " Aiden intervened about to Flare but Joan Shot him a Death Glare which Gave me cold feet and shut Aiden up.
"Zip it Aiden, and Fuck off it's between me and this Hole.....".Joan Said as Aiden just Went Mute, it Amuses and scares me at the same time on how Joan Orders Aiden and he actually Listens I'm beginning to be thimk of Joan in another light.
"Joan get out of my way I'm not here to see you I'm here to see My Fiance....... " Joan Swiftly Landed her palm on Ava left Cheek.
"You have the Guts to still call him your Fiance after you cheated on him, not with any average guy but Richard his own Brother and after he still Forgave you Because he Loved you, you Left him at the Altar and worse Left the Country, You Messed with Aiden and you have the Guts to walk in here and Call him Your Fiance... " Joan Flared up trying to hold back her tears like she Felt what Aiden went through.
"I had a reason to Leave... And I came back didn't I..." Ava said in her defense
"So you Leave Aiden and now you come back Now, what was your Reason to Leave... " Joan said as Ava went Mute.
"that information is Confidential I never meant to hurt him and I still love you Aiden I didn't want to leave I had to so I could protect you, I'm sorry for making you pass through Hell but I'm back now and we can Continue what we Started.... "
"He's not Interested.... " without thinking I spoke up as Ava arched a brow and glared at me.
"Excuse me the Adults are Talking and who the Hell are you?? " she asked as I walked slowly towards her, my Hands Fold against my chest as I stood in front of her.
"The Name is Gold and Aiden isn't interested... " I repeated as she gag out a laugh...
"And What do you think this is Goldilocks?? a child's Play who are you to Aiden???.... " she seems so confident thinking she can Have Aiden to herself, that she can just make Aiden pretend he never went through hell because of her if only she knew how long she's being gone giving Aiden Enough time move on and I'm about to bring her Down.
"I'm His.... "
"Gold that's Enough, leave, all of you.... " Aiden said calling me out.
"Five minutes is all you get... " Joan said as Aiden Nod and glared one last time at Ava who Grinned Victoriously thinking she's Won.
Jayden went out as Joan followed as Aiden signalled me to leave them both Alone.
"What ever you Want to say to her you say it to me too... " I said proving stubborn.
"Gold please leave it doesn't Involve you, it's between me and Ava... " he said trying to reason with me as he plead with his eyes I Sigh and hissed under my breath.
I Slowly made my way to Ava and stopped as our Shoulders touched.
"Try Anything Funny and you won't like me... " I said in a Whisper as I exit the Room leaving them both.
****AIDEN'S POV****
"Finally you got them out now we can get back to business, What's up with that Bitch anyways ... " Ava said as Gold left with the others.
"What are you Doing in New York... " I asked as Her Breath Hitched as let out a laugh to come out casual..
"I Came because of you.. " A Smile made it's way to my Face.
"Funny don't you think??, You Left me and came back when I was about to Die, interesting isn't it, why are you Really here Ava...?? " I growled trying not to think about all the pain she caused me
"Because I Love you and I know you Love me too... "
"You are Gravely Mistaken, Loving you was my Biggest Mistake, Something I should have never done, if you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me, you wouldn't have left me at the Altar and last but not least you wouldn't have ran away, You made me Cuss the Day I was Fell in love......"
"I left you because I wanted to protect you.... "
"Protect me From What Ava??? "
She went Mute as she heaved in sigh of Frustration as tears came dripping from her eyes.
"What about all those things we Shared, the Memories, our Adventures together we can renew them if not start over again, Aiden this is a sign that the universe wants us together... "
"Those things meant Nothing to you, because if they Did You wouldn't have Ran away and left me with a broken Heart, You Would have stayed and besides I no longer have any Feelings for you they are all gone and dead to me... " I said as he Ruffled her Tears tried as her Mascara Due to her tears made her look Devious as she glared at me.
"Who is She?? " She asked as I ignore Casually afraid of what she would do if she knew it was Gold.
"There isn't a She like there isn't a us we are done I've moved on so should you... "
"is it That Little bitch of Earlier??? " She asked
"Your Five minutes is up get out.... " I said preventing her from asking more questions as she Bant her Lashes Reluctantly.
"Maybe because you woke up from a comma you are confused I'll give you sometime to think about and maybe when you've taught it through here is my number I'll check up on you .... " She said Dropping a piece of paper at the edge of my Bed as she exit the Room .
Jayden walked in as soon as Ava Walked out.
"Did She Seduce you?? " Jayden asked nonchalantly
"No!!!... " I Blurted out almost immediately
"Good, i thought she would use some of her charms and convince you to get back together with her.. " Jayden said as I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not that Stupid and besides I'm interested in someone else... " I said as Jayden Shot me a Mischievous smile.
"So You told her About Gold.... " Jayden asked
"Gold needs to lay low for a While, I know Ava She's a pretty Jealous Person Last time when we dated and I just looked at a girl that Girl landed in the Hospital for a week.... " I said as Jayden laughed.
"You thinks it's Funny... " I added as I shot him a death glare which shut him up.
"You know you and your sister may not look alike but you guys are still the same... " I said
"Where is Gold and Joan by the way...?? " I asked
"Gold Went to the Hospitals Cafeteria to go get you something to eat, by the way she's resuming her training tomorrow and Joan just Walked out furious leaving me confused I don't know where the Fuck she is, She Seems Off... " I said
"She Had to put up with me after Ava left so I won't be surprised if Joan kills Ava First... " I said
"Well I better go find Joan before we See a Dead Body... " he said
".Wait I need you to do Research on Why Ava is Back, I don't trust her motive. why she's back she'll do anything to make sure she gets back together with me or worse kill Gold If she Finds out.... "
"Good.. Another Job seriously am I you and Joan's Go Getter??.. " He said as I just rolled my eyes in an attempt to ignore him
"Just Do it.... " I said as he just shrugged and exit the Ward.
****JOAN'S POV****
Gold went to get Lunch at the Cafeteria While I Went to check up on the test I took earlier concerning my baby's gender.
I was Directed to Lukas office as I made my way towards the corridors I'm starting to get sick of this hospital it's like Bad luck because we all end up here and I don't trust that Lukas, come to think of it he could be the reason why Gold was distant from Aiden.
I Cussed under my breath as I stood before the Door before answers as I sigh and tapped gently on the Door.
I waited and got no reply, I put my ear against the door I didn't hear anything as my Hand switch the Door Knob Sideways, the door creaks open hesitantly I pulled it back brainstorming if I should go in, a group of Nurses are coming by I panic as I dashed in the office and shut the Door Behind.
I breathe in Relief as I opened the door once again checking if I've been discovered and thank the stars.
The office was Dim and Dull as the Curtains Blinded the Windows preventing light from brightening up The Room it was Cold and smelt like paper work it's like Law School all over again as I Clasped my palm on my face hovering my Nose from breathing in the abomination excuse for Air.
I searched the office for a Switch and switch it on, finally I could see there was nothing but a Desk Drawer. It took over quarter of the entire room, it was in the middle with a Chair in front of it as I made my way to the Desk maybe I could wait For Lukas.
Bored already my Hands Scanned through some Files as one caught my attention in a binder.
"Richard is Doing a Plastic Surgery, how Typical he came to the right Doctor... " I Laughed Sarcastically as I rolled my eyes and flipped to the next page I gasped as I blinked thrice to make sure I wasn't Blind.
"Richard Willed his Property to Lukas.. " I gasped in Disbelief, this can't be Something is Definitely Wrong, I know Richard and he will never be Foolish to do such a thing, if he even knows and how the Hell Did this Happen.
I Flipped the Pages Faster Scanning through the Files as my Eyes Darted to A File about Gold, curious I dropped the Information about Richard and picked up the one about Gold.
"Delilah's Will....." I think that name sounds Familiar it's at the tip of my head.
"I Delilah Will the Following things Under Lukas Pines for Future purposes in case anything happens ,
The Documents to own My Hospital around the world.
My House and Lastly but not least my Treasure and My Daughter Gold.... " My eyes widen in Shock I must be blind but I'm not.
This Delilah is Gold's Mother then that Means Gold mother Owns this Hospital, that's why Lukas is Back it all makes sense now.
"Delilah Willed Gold Under Lukas that means Gold is Lukas Property.... " I Said in a Whisper as I gasped as a Metal object collided against my head as I Succumbed to the Desk, I breathe in trying not to pass out as I turned to see Lukas with a Metal Rod.
"You....You're are only trying to get Gold for yourself.." I said Dizzy and Nauseous as his his Fingers found it's way to my chin as he leans Forward.
"Congratulations Joan Knight , You Figured it out and now you just Earned a Ticket to the Land of the Dead... " he said as he shot me a wicked grin as I Slapped his Hand and pushed him out of the way he took hold of my Hand as be pulled me Back as a needle sink In the Upper arm and he pushed me to the ground defenseless.
"What Did you do to me..." I asked as I saw two of him now any moment now I was going to pass out
"I Injected You Carbonyx, in a Minute you'll be Paralyzed and I almost feel bad for you seeing that you are pregnant for twins... " my eyes widen in shock as I couldn't move again
"Why are you doing this?? " I asked admist in tears
"I Want to Take back what's Mine, I want to make sure your Brothers Suffered For what They Did to me.. Especially Aiden.... "
"Aiden never Did anything to you... " I said
"That's where you are Wrong He Killed Delilah before my very eyes she took me in when everyone turned on me and like that your Bastard of a Brother killed her one way or the other they will both pay starting with you...."
"I will kill you... " I growled as I shot him a Wicked glare
"That Depends if you don't Die First... " he said as he Shot me a Devilish Smirk and that was it my entire body was paralyzed.

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