Close Call

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Three years ago...

Adrian frowned at his younger sister as she walked around the garden in their backyard. Amelia, his sister, had a bush between her and her brother so she couldn't be caught so easily. It was a stalemate.

Their garden was vast in size and color from all the flowers that their mother had picked and the riches their father had. There were statues of naked children pouring water into over sized ponds, and the one of their great grandfathers who worked for all this stood in the middle made of marble with the cracks filled with gold. The grass was green and not a plant was out of place or dull. This garden was a reflection of their families wealth.

"Give me the book Amelia," Adrian growled. "I have business with father later and I'm not in the mood for this ridiculous game."

Walking carefully around the bush she brought the book out from behind her. "Oh this book?" She asked with small coy smile.

Adrian nodded, rolling his eyes. His hand stretched out for her to hand it over.

Tracing a small finger on the spine of the book, feeling the texture of the binding she gave her older brother one more smirk before running further into the garden.

"You'll have to catch me!!"

Her bare feet pressed against the soft green grass as she heard her brother groan 'shit' under his breath. Nonetheless, he ran after her. She turned around a tree and ran on the dirt path towards the bushes that resembled a small maze in the corner of the garden. There, she could escape between the bushes and her brother would always have to run the long way round giving her small legs a chance.

Running over the small stone bridge she tripped when she looked too long at the turtles in the pond. Her glasses fell and her blue sensitive eyes watered from the sunlight. She recovered quickly and squealed when her brother was almost caught up to her. She left her glasses on the bridge and Adrian was sure to avoid them when he ran by.

She giggled when she heard his footsteps quickly catch up to her. Seeing the familiar little opening between two bushes she skidded to a stop and crawled through. The front of her dress was discolored by the dirt underneath her as she crawled through. Her elbow dug into the dirt to keep the book safely up in the air. The soft dirt stuck out like a sore thumb on her white skin.

She was almost through the bushes when she was suddenly yanked back under by her brother that had gotten a hold of her ankle. The sudden pull made her land face first into the soil, but that didn't stop her from kicking her brother with her other free foot. Her face hurt and her smile made it worse.

"Not this time you little snowflake!" Adrian's voice was rough from running but sounded triumphant.

Flailing her free leg she couldn't keep her laugh in as he dragged her back to his side of the bushes. Despite how irritated he was he couldn't keep the smile off his face once he caught her. It was all fun and games until he couldn't pull her all the way to his side.

Wrapped tightly around Amelia's wrist that held Adrian's book was another hand.

There was a moment, a split second, slowed by adrenaline. In that moment, Adrian stared into Amelia's panicked eyes.

Then she was gone.


Collecting himself when he heard his sister scream, he reached out to grab her again. Just before his hand could reached the light shining brightly from the other side he jumped back instinctively when to gunshots toiled the dirt near his hand. Amelia screamed after the sound of the gunshots.

He ran around the brush following the sound of his sister crying out his name. He hit some branches, cutting corners to as he heard his sister's screams stop abruptly. Knowing full well he was about to face armed people without a gun he turned a tight corner and rushed to the small opening on the other side of the brush.

She was nowhere to be seen. The book was on the ground and had a muddy footprint on it.

He then heard the home's security alarm ring.

She was gone for three days.

On the third day just before twelve on a Thursday she was found.

Carter, Adrian and Amelia's father had the key covered in blood after infiltrating one of the human trafficking warehouses. She was tucked away from the other people and kept in the small room attached to the main office about the size of a small closet. The boss was dead with a bullet in his head leaning over the large wooden desk with crimson flowing on and off the side of the desk.

Carter was still standing from where he shot the man. His eyes were locked on the door that his father was rushing to open with the key. Carter's steady hand pointed the gun back to the entrance of the office, uncertain if their men had finished clearing the place. He could still hear some shots fire in the distance.

When Carter opened the door, Amelia screamed and covered her eyes. Her bare legs were huddled up to her chest and her white hair was all shaved off. One large bruise caked her left side of her cheek. The dark purple was like paint on a canvas on her white skin. When she peaked through her fingers and saw her father approaching her, she cried and tried to rush up to her feet.

"Oh, snowflake," Carter murmured as he collected her in his arms. He held her tightly, ignoring the tears that were collecting in his eyes.

Amelia leaned into her father and let out a sigh. Her eyes closed, knowing her father was not going to let her go. She rested her head on his shoulder and kept a tight grip on the front of his shirt just in case.

Carter watched his father's face harden back to the cold expression, cool and collected. He felt his skin crawl when he saw the bruising from needles on her neck.

"Father, hand me Amelia."

He did so and watched as his son kissed the side of her forehead and brushed his fingers over her once long hair. Carter's arms were tense as they held Amelia's little body close to him. Adrian felt his chest tighten when he was able to feel her shivering.

He watched as his father wipe his tears as he turned to the door and checked down the hall. Adrian never saw his father shed tears before. Not when his brother died, nor when his wife, their mother, died.

When they could only find their men standing they both returned to the vans they had parked and waiting for them. They both were wordless as they entered the van. Their fellow men entered, some covered in blood and one with a makeshift wrap on his arm.

Amelia stayed glued in her brothers lap, holding his shirt for dear life.


A phone's screen lit up with an unknown caller as it rang. It brought light to a dim room from where it sat atop of a large stained wooden oak desk. The large man behind the desk picked up the phone. His other hand held a glass of rum that was getting watered down by the ice in it. Before speaking, he took a long sip from his glass.

"You lost her," he stated in a flat tone. Staring off into the stars out his window.

The voice on the other side scratched, "I'm sorry boss we thought we left no trails, she was gonna be yours tonight."

"Excuses are not what I want. You have left your mark on the Norman Mafia and getting caught kidnapping their daughter was your last mistake. You are no longer useful to me."

The man on the line cried, the sound of rummaging was heard through the phone. "Please sir, I beg of you.... I have a family."

Putting out his cigar the man frowned, "I already have a hit man on you so if you want to make the last moments of your life interesting I suggest you run." He hung up the phone right after, ignoring the man's pleas.

Leaning back in his chair, he glanced out into the stars that hung above the city.

With a curse under his breath he sat up from his chair and walked out of his office. "You just have to do everything yourself."

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