Day 1 - Mal

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     Mal woke up to an empty room. Evie was always an early bird. Mal started to slump towards the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed herself. Then she slumped back to her bed and looked through her outfits.
     Mal doesn't usually make an effort in her looks. Not like Evie or from what she could tell Audrey. However she really wanted to show that she was still rotten to the core. She wanted to strike fear in all of the Auradon Prep Student Body.
     She settled on a purple studded leather jacket with green and black flames drawn onto it, black frayed jeans, and plumb to dark grey ombré shirt. She gave herself a smile in the mirror as she headed to the cafeteria for something to eat before class.
     Entering the giant cafeteria, Mal scanned for any of her friends. No one wants to be alone and the new kid while in High School. Alas none of the Core Four were there. Instead she found Audrey and Ben walking hand in hand. "Hey Mal. How was your first night in Auradon?", Ben asked as they approached her. Audrey was too busy eying the outfit that Mal was wearing with suspicion and judgement.

"It's alright. Definitely quieter here.", Mal lamented.

"Well that sounds good.", Ben said oblivious to Mal being a fan of noise and chaos.

"We have to go. It's nice to see you again.", Audrey gritted through her teeth as she dragged Ben with her.

     Mal grabbed at a cup of strawberries. The smell was intoxicating to her. As she walked to her first class, Cultural History, she walked in step with Jane, the Daughter Of The Fairy Godmother. "Oh hi! You're one of the new transfer student. My name is Jane.", she introduced.
     Jane looked like a nobody. However Mal could feel an energy radiate from her. Something big. They sat together in class. Jane explained that people generally are nice to her because her mom is the headmistress. That's when Mal realized her mom was The Fairy Godmother. "So Jane...Fairy to Fairy. Have you ever used your mom's wand before?", Mal whispered with her voice sounding like she was legitimately interested in Jane rather than Jane's response.

"No, my mom hasn't taught me any magick. Has your mom taught you?", Jane asked.

"She really couldn't teach me since Magick is all but completely cut off from the Isle.", Mal lied knowing fully well that it would be suspicious if anyone found out that her mom was teaching her on how to cast Dark Magick or that she was in possession of her spellbook. "Although, I did stop in the library and looked up some Good Magick Spells. You know, spells on healing, and forseeing the future, and transforming hair...", Mal said looking at Jane's pathetic bob haircut.

     Jane's eyes grew wide with excitement. Mal knew she had enticed her. Mal pretended to look worried. "Jane, did I offend you somehow?", the tone came off rather harsh, Mal still needed to practice on being nice.

"It's just...I hate my hair. My mom says it's fine but I would rather something longer and flowy.", she sighed.

"Well tell you what. Maybe you swing by my dorm room tomorrow night and we do something about that for you. Who knows, maybe afterwards we can study Magick together? Our secret?", Mal offered.

     Jane frantically nodded her head. Mal figured she would save Jane in her back pocket in case the Wand Heist tonight didn't go to plan. They continued class as Mal plotted and schemed all up until reaching her next class with the others...Remedial Goodness.

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