Day 1 - Carlos

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     The sleeping Carlos had a lot on his mind. A lot of wonder about this new home and the new  people in his life as well as the trauma experienced back on the Isle of the Lost.
     The boy had his normal nightmares of bear traps and rabid dogs. Which then transitioned into him being saved. He at first couldn't see what or who was saving him. He at first suspected it was his friends. However, in a sea of golden light Carlos saw Ben appear. Ben had picked up Carlos into his strong arms and the two started to lean their faces closer until...
     Carlos' alarm went off and broke the dream. It shocked Carlos and it saddened him to that the dream was over. "Maybe tonight I'll get to see what happens...", he said aloud.
     Jay's note had been on Carlos' nightstand. He picked it up and read it. He was a little nervous that he would be starting the day alone.
Carlos got ready and looked at his dresser. Not a lot of clothes to choose from. Nothing he felt were cute. He thought maybe Evie could make some new outfits with the stuff they have here. He decided on a spotted sleeveless shirt and black jeans with red sneakers.
As he walked out the door Carlos felt like all eyes were on him. His stomach growled but he was already running late for his first class. It was Biology.
     When he walked into the lab room, again the feeling of all eyes went onto him. He found an empty table and just sat down to it. As the class began no one sat next to him. A sinking feeling crept up his stomach. Again, the back of his head burning of what he perceived as everyone staring him down.
The isolation did give way that Carlos actually enjoyed this class. It was much better than the classes taught at Dragon Hall. At the end of the class, the teacher asked questions related to the lecture. Carlos was able to answer all of them.
The bell rang and Carlos started to get up. The teacher stood at his table. "Mr. DeVil...", he said in a monotone voice.

"Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?", Carlos said a little frightened.

"No! Not at all. I just wanted to say good work today in class. It seems like science suits you.", the teacher continued.

"Oh...thank you.", Carlos said. "I have to get to my next class otherwise I would love to chat more.", he continued. "Oh and sir. If you don't mind. I prefer to just be called Carlos.", he smiled. The teacher nodded in acknowledging the request.

Carlos left the room to head to the Remedial Goodness Class he shared with the other members of the Core Four. As he walked the halls he saw Ben being followed by Audrey. Then he noticed Ben ducking into the Men's Room as Audrey stopped to pout. Audrey looked over and saw Carlos. An excited smile grew on her face as she waved him over. Carlos stepped towards her slowly. "Can you do me a favor and check on Ben in there?", she requested.

"I have to get to my class with the Fairy Godmother. I can't be late.", Carlos said trying to escape the situation.

"She'll understand if it is for me...just go in.", she chimed as she nudged him through the door anyways.

As Carlos went through the door he found Ben splashing cold water on his face. The two looked at each other for a good minute in silence. "You okay?", Carlos asked.

"Did Audrey send you in here?", Ben asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Yeah...but I don't have to tell her anything?", Carlos answered, a little squeamish from the situation he was put in.

"You're fine Carlos...I just needed a break from her. We have every class together, I'm her lab partner in Bio, at lunch, she is there, when I'm on the Tourney Field, she is cheerleading right there. I can't even ask her how her day was because I know already.", he lamented.

"Could switch to my class and be my Lab Partner. I didn't have anyone.", Carlos suggested.

"I might take you up on that.", Ben smiled.

     Carlos felt his cheeks grow red. Ben's smile was really pretty. His empty stomach started churning. Ben looked down at his stomach and laughed. "Hungry?", Ben asked.

"I didn't have time to get breakfast because I was running late for class. I also still have to get to Remedial Goodness.", Carlos said inching towards the door.

"Hey, here...take this chocolate bar.", Ben pulled a king size bar out of his pocket and placed it in Carlos' hands.

     Carlos just smiled. Ben sunk to the back to still hide from Audrey. As he walked out of the bathroom, Audrey stopped him. "Is Benny-Boo okay?", she demanded.

"I'm not sure. He was in a stall. I really have to go.", Carlos said as he rushed towards the next class.

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