Tourney Night Lights

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     The boys put on their Tourney Gear. They looked at each other unsure if they were physically able to step out onto the field. They heard a knock on the door and when Jay went to open it thinking it was the girls, both of them were surprised to see Ben, suited up. "How come you're here?", Carlos asked.

"Well, I wanted to go to the game supporting my teammates.", he replied.

"Cool. We're pretty much knocking what little butterflies we have away as we wait for the girls.", Jay said as he extended his arm welcoming Ben to sit on Carlos' bed.

"Thanks.", Ben said as he plopped down onto the black & white comforter.

Carlos looked slightly flustered with the sight of his unrequited love on his bed. "Is everything okay Carlos? You look flushed.", Ben asked.

"I'm-I'm fine! Just a little nervous with tonight and all.", he shot daggers at Jay who just winked and gave him a smirk.

     Another knock on the door and Mal and Evie were peaking their heads through. They were dressed in matching Sweaters and Skirts. Adorned with Auradon Prep Colors. Carlos let out a sigh that the attention was taken off of him. The girls saw Ben on Carlos' bed and Evie gave Carlos a not so subtle wink. Ben just laughed to himself. "How are you two doing?", Ben asked with his voice shaking.

"We'll manage. We just have to let them know the real us. Like you do Ben.", Mal smiled.

"Alright, well shall we go?", Ben asked offering an arm to Mal.

     The five teens walked out of the dorm room together and made it to the Tourney Field. They noticed all eyes were locked onto the group. Not just from the school but the parents of the students as well as people from the opposing team. It was if the air had been sucked out of the area. Mal took a deep breath. "We've got this.", she said reassuringly as the two girls separated from the boys. They were invited to sit next to Queen Belle & King Adam. 

     As the three boys got to the team, the coach gathered everyone. Chad and his crew weren't happy being near the three but the coach told them to knock it off. As they were told the plays they separated. The game started out seemingly normal. Auradon Prep was up by five points before the half time started. The crowd was going crazy. The opposing team closed the gap between them by one point. The Coach gathered the Auradon Prep Team. "Listen up! We are just one play away from winning this. I want Ben to take lead with the ball. Jay you're going to protect Ben. Chad and Carlos are going to run towards their goal. I want Chad to guard Carlos and have Ben pass the ball to Carlos. Carlos, you're agile and fast. They won't expect you and that's when you take that winning shot.", the Coach explained.

"But Coach! I can do it.", Chad argued.

"They'll be expecting you to get the pass.", the Coach replied.

"You're just favoring them.", Chad said with disgust.

"What's that boy?!?", the Coach asked with a stern growl.

"Nothing...", Chad answered lightly.

     The Team got into position. Ben managed to snag the ball with ease. Jay raised his shield to help launch him into the air as Ben shot it towards Chad and Carlos who were over halfway past the center field. The other team surrounded Chad as the ball whipped past them and Carlos got it. Chad managed to run alongside Carlos as they head to the goal. Just as Carlos lifts his stick to make the winning shot, SLAM, Chad's shield bashed into Carlos forearm. Carlos landed to the ground as one of the opposing players was able to steal the ball and pass it to a player, making the tying shot. The referee blew his whistle and called the game. The opposing team won due to Chad's unsportsmanlike conduct.

     Carlos writhed in pain on the field. Everyone including Mal and Evie rushed to him. Chad and his goons started laughing and high fiving each other. Ben went up to them and unleashed a fearsome roar. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING CHAD?!?!?!", he bellowed out. The entire field could hear the Beastly Prince.

"Why do you care Ben?", Chad said with a smirk.


"Easy there Princey. Don't want anyone to see the Beast in ya."

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A BEAST I CAN BE!", Ben growled as he struck Chad's face.

     Dead air filled the field. Everyone was on baited breath as they waited for Chad to get up. Ben shook with anger as blood dripped from his hand. Chad started to get up. He felt like he had been hit with a boulder. He noticed his uniform had blood on it. The crowd gasped as they saw the aftermath of what Ben did. Four slash marks on the bottom of Chad's face.

     King Adam stepped in front of his still angry son. The King unleashed his own growl. The two stood tensely against each other. Eventually Ben stood down and walked off. Both the King and Queen followed him. Chad's Crew took him to the dorm. Mal, Evie, and Jay took Carlos to the infirmary. The four could feel all eyes drilling holes into their backs...

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