Chapter 10

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Three days. It's been three freaking days since I left Red Moon and I had never been this weak in my entire life. I could hardly walk, let alone focus on my surroundings. This was something unacceptable for me.

Without a doubt I knew what the reason for my miserable state was. The absence of my mate. The moment we had touched our mate bond had been formed and as mates we were supposed to draw power from one another. And the longer we remained separated, the harder it would get.

It sucked knowing I had become so reliant on somebody else. For eighteen years I had managed to avoid depending on anyone other than myself. However, not even a week after meeting my mate I couldn't seem to live without him. It was pathetic.

Ren, we have to — Shyrin tried to talk to me once again.

Don't you dare finish the sentence.

But, we —

I said don't!

Now I snapped at Shyrin every time she opened her snout. Every hour she tried to persuade me yet again to return to our mate and the most irritating thing of all was that I knew she was right. I couldn't go on like this for much longer. I would be of no use to anyone, especially my mother.

However, my pride and stubborn nature were the two things keeping me from giving up. I refused to admit defeat.

Seventy-six hours after leaving Blake, I crumbled into a pitiful heap on the forest ground.

I couldn't go on like this; I was useless. I couldn't even concentrate enough to try to catch my mother's lingering scent, let alone track her down.

Shyrin had been right from the beginning. The moment I met my mate my entire world changed. It wasn't just me anymore. For better or for worse my fate had been tight to the fate of my mate.

I hated him and myself for forcing me into this state. All I wanted was to revert the time and make sure the two of us never met. However, because that would never happen, I had only one option left now. I had to go back.

With my decision made, I crawled into a standing position. I felt like laughing at how much better I suddenly felt. The mare decision of going back to my mate pushed a new discovered energy through my veins.

The only problem left was the fact that I had no idea where I was. Directions and navigation had always been a weak point of mine.

My werewolf senses were the only thing I could rely on right now. I lifted my nose into the air, sucking in the surrounding air. A mixture of scents tingled my nostrils as I tried to separate the individual smells. Then I caught it. A sweet scent of ripe peaches, which sent me swirling down into my childhood.

My mother's scent.

Without a second thought I sprinted into the direction the scent was coming from. My heart raced in anticipation as I ran like the wind. I could hardly believe this was happening. After all this time, I finally found her.

Nothing could stop me now.

Following my nose, I ran past a heap of bloody limbs that emitted a disgusting stink of rotten flesh. I wouldn't have spared the dead rogues a single glance, if it weren't for the lingering scent of my mother. She had been here not even ten minutes ago.

The majority of her scent was coming from further away. I hand' been this close to my mother since the attack on our pack. Just a little more.

I raced past the trees, reaching a small cement building with the door wide open. My mother's scent led me straight through the door, down a dark staircase, until I reached a murky hallway.

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