19 - [EDITED]

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Three days later the situation in Seattle got more serious. Ashley heard her family talking about a possible trip to Seattle to settle the situation.

Meanwhile, whenever Bella wasn't with the wolves, she was with the Cullens and Ashley was usually around. They talked about things in general, about school, about Paul, Edward, and Jacob.

Ashley had a theory that Jacob was into Bella. Although Bella said that she only saw him as a friend and nothing else Ashley still had her doubts. 

In an effort to change the topic Bella told her that every time she was over there everyone would ask her about Ashley except for Paul. He would just look at her as if he was expecting answers. Hearing that broke Ashley's heart.

The next day Bella invited Ashley to La Push. She was already going there and based on their previous talks, she got that Ashley wanted to go as well but needed a little push. 

Truthfully, Ashley wanted to jump at the offer. But she was also anxious. She didn't know what to do once she saw him. How she'd approach him.

Bella thought that once she'd seen him she'd know what to do but Ashley couldn't be sure. She didn't want to show up without knowing what she wanted or not knowing what to say and confusing the situation more and hurting both sides.

Reluctantly Ashley agreed on going. So Bella called Jacob to find out whether Paul had any plans for the afternoon. Luckily, he had been patrolling for the past four days, basically keeping himself busy with work as Jacob put it, so Sam had given him the day off.

Ashley informed her parents that she'd be going down to Rez with Bella after school. Rosalie let her go but not without a smirk. 

After she left her parents' side she went by Edward and Bella. "I must admit, you've held on longer than I thought you would," Edward said 

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Sorry to disappoint," she mumbled back to her uncle but he chuckled. 

"Hey, not that I'm complaining about it you know,"

The day went by quickly, much to Ashley's dismay. She still felt unprepared, to see him, to talk to him. She missed him. That was sure. It felt like months or years in the last few days. She just didn't want to take a wrong step and shit on the situation even more.

When they entered La Push, Ashley had started giving the direction to Paul's house to Bella. They were in her truck. Each second where Ashley knew they were getting closer her heart was beating a bit faster. There was this uneasy yet chilling feeling in her stomach. Then, they arrived.

"Thanks for the ride," Ashley mumbled to her friend. 

Bella nodded as she offered a friendly smile. "I hope everything works out between you two," 

Ashley nodded, looking at the house. He was in there. After that, she slowly got out of the car and walked to the door. 

Bella was long gone so even if she gave up there was no way she could go anywhere else. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

Ashley heard some grunting from inside then the sound of footsteps approaching. A man who looked like Paul was standing at the door. He was obviously older, shorter, and a bit fatter than Paul. 

"Uhm, hello?" Ashley said, unsure of herself. She was sure she was at the right house but she had never seen this man before.

"Hello, who are you?" The man asked Ashley. 

"I'm Ashley, uhm, Paul's," Ashley started but the man interrupted her. 

"Oh, so you're the Ashley I keep hearing so much about," he said. 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now