27 - [EDITED]

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It was finally time for the wedding.

Bella's mom and step-dad, Phil, flew to Forks. The Denali's came down for the wedding.

Alice was working on the wedding non-stop for the past weeks, and these last few days, she had the whole family work non-stop. Her justification was that she was the maid of honor. 

Ashley was entertained watching the whole family being scared of not complying with what Alice was ordering them.

Bella was nervous for several reasons. But her main reason was the high heels that Alice put her in. She wasn't used to using them in her normal life anyway, and the ones Alice picked out were beautiful yet enormous.

The night before the wedding, Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle took Edward out to the woods for his bachelor party. Similarly, Ashley and Alice wanted something like that, a bachelorette party, but Bella didn't want it.

Right now, Alice, Rosalie, and Renee were prepping Bella inside the house while Ashley was outside, greeting guests and talking to them. Being a host.

Luckily her dad and grandpa were with her, to help her with it. Usually, Carlisle was the one who knew most of the people, given how he was the doctor. 

Also, since everyone but Ashley kept to themselves at school, she took over the other people. Emmett was literally just there to smile and look pretty.

And yes, those were the exact words Alice had used.

The first people to arrive were Jessica, Mike, Angela, and Eric. Ashley hugged Angela and Jessica and shared an uncomfortable and weird handshake with the boys under Emmett's glares. 

"I'll see you guys soon," Ashley said to her friends. When they were gone she elbowed her dad.

They stood there for about an hour to greet guests. There were a few people from the high school they went to. There were a lot of adults Ashley didn't really know. 

Sure, she knew the names because Alice had spent nights making the sitting charts and Ashley helped her but she didn't know most of these people personally.

Emmett checked his watch. "Honey, it should get started soon, why don't you go and help everyone get seated?" 

Ashley nodded. She saw a couple of other cars lining up but she went inside.

Alice had made her wear heels too and trying to walk in heels in the grass was a bit tricky. Luckily, Alice had granted her the chance to choose the length of the heels, so she was safe. Most of the time.

She put on a smile and started to ask people to get seated. Their names were written in the seats but she helped some of the people, from what she could remember.

As she was doing so, Jessica hurried to her side, the others following her. "Hey, Ashley," 

"Hi, you guys okay?" 

Angela nodded. "Yes, we were just getting to our seats," she mumbled and tried to pull Jessica.

She stood her ground. "Oh, yeah. We totally will, but before, you need to answer something for me. I am dying," 

"Great, here we go again," Eric sighed. Ashley looked between her friends suspiciously and turned to Jessica.

"Are they getting married because your brother got Bella pregnant?" Jessica blurted out. 

Ashley gasped. "I mean, why else would you get married three months after high school graduation? Before college?"

Ashley pressed her lips together. "Jessica, we don't really have time to debate this. Go to your seats, please, this is absurd,"

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now