28 - [EDITED]

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After Edward and Bella left, the company started to leave too.

Ashley found Paul. "I've gotta go too. After the whole thing in the woods with Jacob, Seth left with the guys. I've got to drive Billy and Leah back,"

"Oh, okay," she replied. She presumed Sue would be with Charlie.

" -Thank you for coming, I had a great time with you tonight," she said. 

He smiled. "Me too baby," he responded and hugged her. "I can't believe the time is up, two months passed so quickly,"

She broke out a smile. "I know," she whispered, " But we survived worse... way worse,"

He squeezed her tighter. "Yeah, I mean, it's just a couple of hours drive, right?"

"Yes," she replied. 

She had faith that they could make it through. She knew that she and Paul were solid and would make it through this. She didn't know what the future held for them just yet, considering what they went through the last year, it wasn't certain and anything could happen, but for now, this was enough.

He reluctantly let go of her. "So, uhm... text me when you get there tomorrow?"

She nodded. "Of course," she replied. "I love you," 

His lips twirled up. "I love you," he said and leaned down to kiss her.

They broke apart with a honk. It was Billy's truck. He and Leah were in there. "Gotta go now," he murmured. 

" Yeah... drive safe," she mumbled. He smiled at her and started walking toward the car.

She took a deep breath and turned around. She was really excited to go to university and start her adult life. However, leaving Paul behind broke her heart. These past two months were full of fights between them about the future.

Paul didn't want to leave her and he said he would go to Washington for her. Of course, Ashley wanted to be with him, but she didn't want it happening like that. As much as they loved each other and he was willing to do anything for her, Ashley knew Paul had a responsibility to the pack, and leaving them would leave an inner scar.

She grasped the imprinting bond a bit, the wolf would do anything for their imprint. That saddened Ashley a bit. The bond made the wolf give up their desires and wants for life. She didn't want Paul giving up what he wanted out of life for her. It felt selfish.

She didn't want to be dictating his life, making him agree to stuff normally he wouldn't agree with without the bond.

So, for now, they agreed for Paul to stay with the pack and Ashley to go to WSU. Her family would be busy with the newborn Bella anyway, which left Ashley and Paul to decide on their future together. Whatever it may be.

She slowly made her way to the house. During her goodbye with Paul, most of the guests had left. She was a little sad over having to leave Paul for a limited period of time, until one of them could visit, and to leave her family, but she put on a smile. This was the last night that she got to spend with her family all together before a long time.

Plus, she really wanted to see Edward's present for her.

She walked into the house. The first person she spotted was her mom. Rosalie embraced her daughter in a hug. "What is this for?"

"I know... it's hard to separate from someone you love,"

"Oh," Ashley murmured and hugged her mom.

"But I think you two will make it work baby, a powerful love can overcome anything," Rosalie continued. 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now