Chapter 4 ~ Group hug

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Isla's POV

As I walk into my English class, the teacher, Mrs. Ridgway, tells everyone to 'check the board before picking out a seat.'

On the board it says, 'please choose your seat carefully. The person you chose to sit next to will be your partner for the big English project.'

That's surprising. Normally the teachers like to choose your partner for you. I think they have fun torturing kids by making them work with people they don't like. On the other hand, I don't know how I feel about being able to pick our partner. No one in this school likes me. What if no one wants to be my partner? Kaira doesn't have English with me, and I never asked Nick, Hayden or Lucas to see their schedules. Even if they are in this class it doesn't mean they will want to partner up with me anyways.

I make my way to the back corner next to windows. Yay for windows. I figure if anyone wants to be my partner then they will come sit by me. I'm daydreaming thinking about Luke when I hear the awful voice of the she-devil. "This spot is saved for my boyfriend." She hisses at anyone who tries to sit beside her. Poor guy. Whoever he is, may God bless his soul. At least she hasn't noticed me. Soon the tardy bell rings, and to no surprise of mine the seat next to me is still empty. I groan when I look around and see that the seat next to Chelsea is still available too. I hope I don't have to work with her now. The teacher looks around looking at all of the pairs. She doesn't say anything about me and Chelsea not having a partner and for that I am thankful.

I stare out the window while Mrs. Ridgway starts explaining how she runs the class. The door opens and Lucas walks in about fifteen minutes late. He hands Mrs. Ridgway a note. "Sorry for being late. My last teacher needed help with something."

He scans the classroom, and before he looks at me Chelsea calls him. "Lucas, baby, I saved you a spot next to me." She winks at him.

He looks absolutely horrified. Again, he looks around the classroom until his eyes land on me. His face breaks into a huge smile as he makes his way towards me and takes the seat next to me. "I was hoping I would get to sit by you." He whispers to me as he sits down making me blush a little.

"Are you sure you want to sit by me?" I ask as I point to the board so he can see the message the teacher had written on it.

He grins, "Even better. Don't you agree, partner?"

I was going to answer, but Chelsea walked over to us. "Move slut. You're in my seat, next to my boyfriend." She growls at me.

"I-I was here first, and Lu-Lucas chose to sit here. There was an empty seat next to you if he had wanted to sit ne-next to y-you." I stuttered. Holy crap. I can't believe I just said that to her. Someone please tell my family I love them because she is going to kill me.

"He's my boyfriend. Move slut, before I make you regret the day you were born."

"Chelsea!" Lucas says with venom laced in his voice. "First I am not your boyfriend. Never have been, never will be. Second, I don't want to ever hear you talk to Isla like that again. Third, I want to sit next Isla, not you. Get it through your thick head."

For a moment you can see the hurt in Chelsea eyes, but it quickly turns into hatred as she turns to me. "You messed up big time today." She spits. Chelsea is scary on most days, but now I'm shaking because of how scared I am. She's right though. I have really messed up today or at least in her eyes I have. I've been caught sitting with all three of the school's 'bad boys.' Two who now have told her off because of me, and then she was also told off by Kaira. Crap I'm going to die.

Lucas' POV

I am so mad right now, that I want to punch something. Who does Chelsea think she is? Calling me her boyfriend. What crazy person does something like that? Then she threatens Isla. I turn to look at Isla, she is shaking in fear. I mean actually shaking. What has Chelsea done to her that could have her in this much fear?

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