Chapter 34 ~ I burnt the toast

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Killian's POV

As we settle down to watch some movies, the events of today finally process through my head. My uncle nearly killed me. I could be dead. I could be dead. That alone is hard enough to process.

He attacked me. He attacked and hurt Sofia. He would have attacked and hurt Emma if she hadn't called Isla to come and rescue us. My friends now know the truth. The truth about our abusive uncle. We've lost the place that was our home, if you could even call it that. My sisters and I will now be living with Isla and our friends. It feels like someone is using a jackhammer inside of my head.

My uncle has never gone that far before. Yeah, he likes to hit me most days—well, us if he can get a hold of my sisters—but he's never been so out of control. I tried to fight back this time, but he's a strong man and the alcohol gives him some type of super strength. Not really, but there is no reasoning with him once he's drunk.

The most surprising thing about today was how our new friends treated us. I was so afraid of how they would react. We don't tell people about our uncle, because we are afraid of losing our little sister. We also don't want people to pity us or to hear people say they wish they could do something to help us. Wishing you can do something for us doesn't help us. That is what I expected from my friends, but they didn't pity us. They didn't wish they could help us. They actually helped us. Isla could have called the cops when Emma phoned, but instead put herself and the guys in danger to help. Nick got hit by my uncle. Hayden and Luke kicked my uncle out of the house to be able to help us. They put themselves in danger for me and my sisters. On top of all of that, Isla offered us a place to live. Well, maybe she kind of forced us to stay, but you get the point. Isla is amazing. She truly is an Angel. She's my Angel.

At dinner, I barely ate any pizza. I love pizza, but my stomach is still in knots from earlier. I barely make it through the first movie before excusing myself to go to sleep. I'm beyond exhausted. Luke shows me Isaac's room before he heads off to his room going to sleep early also. It's surprising that everyone else is still watching movies. I would have expected everyone to call it an early night.

Hayden's POV

Luke and I were sitting on the large couch, Sofia and Isla shared the loveseat, Killian was in the recliner and Nick was sitting on the floor as we watched the first movie. Poor Emma stayed asleep after she had been placed in Isabelle's room. Luke looked like he was going to doze off before the movie even started.

After the first movie, Luke and Killian both went to their rooms. Nick put in a second movie, but within the first twenty minutes, Sofia had already fallen asleep.

"I'm going to carry her to her bed, and then I'm going to sleep too," Nick says, yawning as he gets up from the floor.

"Thanks, Nick." Isla says softly. As Nick heads up the stairs with Sofia, Isla moves onto the couch with me. "Mind if I sit with you?"

I pat the seat on the couch next me. "By all means." Isla laughs. Oh, how I love her laugh. "Love, aren't you tired?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "Are you?"

"Not really. I guess the excitement of today had the opposite effect on me than it did the others."

"Same here," she whispers.

She snuggles into me as I turn down the volume on the tv. We aren't watching the movie anymore, we're just using the sound as a background noise. "Love, are you really okay with sharing your house with all of us?"

"Yes, I am."

"I just don't want you to think that we are taking advantage of you or that we are only friends with you because of your money."

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