Chapter 8 ~ He's an overgrown kid

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Isla's POV

"Honey, I love you. Your dad and I should be back late tonight." My mom says, kissing my forehead. "Your sister and brother should be home in an hour. I left money for y'all to order food."

"Thanks, mom. I love you too."

As my mom walks out of my room, Kaira walks in with the boys and she looks at me. "We need to talk about today, Isla." Kaira says and all the boys nod their heads in agreement. Great. Didn't I already have a bad enough day? Do we really need to talk about it?

I fall back on my bed with my pillow covering my face. "Do we have to?" I groan.

"Yes. What would have happened if we didn't find you when we did?" She worriedly looks at me. "Has it ever gone this far before?"

I stand up from my bed and walk across my room to stare out my window. "No." I sigh. "The name calling and even being hit is a normal occurrence, but not being dragged into a room. I shouldn't have said anything to Chelsea in math. I should have known better but, I-I just couldn't stop myself."

"She's a bitch and deserved every word and more." Nick groans as he lies on my bed and throws a pillow in the air and catches it.

"Maybe," I whisper, "but I shouldn't have sunk to her level. I'm better than that. I don't need to put others down to feel better about myself. I'm supposed to lift people up, not put them down."

Lucas walks over to me and grabs my hand. "For as long as I have known you, Isla, you've always lifted people up. That's what makes you so special."

I look up and stare at Lucas. "You remind me so much of... never mind." I hate thinking about Luke. It's been five years and I still miss him.

"What are we going to do about Chelsea? I have a feeling that things are going to only get worse." Hayden gives me an apologetic look. "Sorry Isla, I'm just being honest."

"I know, Hayden. I have no clue what to do anymore." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I just want to finish this year and head off to college. The farther I am away from all the people in that school, the better." Lucas has a pained look after hearing what I said, "but I can't leave my family. I would be lost without them. I will probably try and go to a college near here." It surprised me to see Lucas relax after I said that I would be staying local. Maybe he still does like me.

"What college is everyone planning on going to?" Kaira asks. The boys all shrug and I start laughing to myself. Kaira is definitely getting annoyed with us. "What's so funny?"

"I thought I was the only who hasn't applied yet, but I guess not."

"What are y'all waiting for?" Kaira screeches.

The guys shrug and I say, "I still have to do something before I can apply. I'm hoping to start applying sometime next month. What about you? Where do you plan on going?"

Kaira turns beet red and whispers quickly, "IdontknowIhaventappliedeitheryet."

Nick faces grins, "What did you say Kaira?"

She huffs, "I said I don't know. I haven't applied either yet." We all look at her and start laughing. "Wow we are a bunch of losers if you ask me." She murmurs causing everyone including herself to laugh harder.

"We should probably head downstairs. Isabelle and Isaac should be home soon." I say.

Lucas' POV

The front door slams open and Isaac and Isabelle run in. "Girls night!" Isabelle squeals. She is running around the living room. Her teacher must have loaded her full of sugar.

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