Chapter 13

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"...Okay so that's the gist of the case I handled!" Maria finished with a triumphant smile, "I cracked the case just like how I crack my hard candies!" Gaela sipped in her mocha coffee with a unfazed look while Lait just continued wolfing down some bacon and cheese. Gaela had to admit, that's a pretty weird and specific combination. "Well done," Gaela remarked with a flat face, "good job. What are you going to do with the smugglers?" Maria gave both Lait and Gaela a daring smirk.

"I'm going to the abandoned house myself to catch those smugglers myself to show 'em who they're messing with!" Maria boasted, "I will be totally kickass and destroy those cretins!" Lait choked on her bacon while Gaela gave Maria a look of concern and the trio earned plenty of glances of concern and judgement inside the café. "Well - it's too early for all your weird, ballistic shenanigans Marii," Lait said uncertainly, "please don't go. It's dangerous." "I strongly agree with Lait," Gaela said, "don't go. It's dangerous handling those armed smugglers."

"But I want to turn in a stash of drugs and a whole crate of guns!" Maria complained, "I'll get a promotion and I can flex in Gary's face." "Don't go." Lait and Gaela both said in sync. "Nah bruv." Maria insisted. Gaela sighed in annoyance before she held her head with both of her bandaged hands in irritation. "Please don't go Maria, don't injure yourself. I already have a lot to deal with already." Gaela said coldly.

"What happened?" Lait asked as she eyed Gaela's bandaged hand with a look of concern, "is your hands alright Gaela?" Gaela internally snorted at Lait's comment. Hands? What hands? Gaela's arms, torso and thighs had it worse. She's lucky to escape from that ninja's grasp from yesterday. Brian got a broken arm and sprained ankle, Rin broke her spine and fractured her skull, Folisha got multiple bruises and cuts from scissors and Adrienne's hands are half broken. Oh yes, did Gaela mention Threatening is the one who stole a random car off the streets, carried everyone in, nursed them and took them back to the hotel Maili booked? Everyone got pretty heavy injuries so it's hard to drag themselves to the car without assistance. That group they dealt with last night is definitely some skilled killers.

"Ah nothing much. One of my friends own a feral cat and it does not like me very much." Gaela lied. "I don't know how to treat cat scratches but this is all I can do. Also it's good for my hands when I'm not touching a bow string." Gaela added. Lait just simply nodded. There's something about her that doesn't seem to believe what Gaela said but she just nodded. Maria on the other hand just held Gaela's bandaged hands into her own and gently pecked on them. Gaela gave Maria a disturbed look.

"Don't worry, I kissed it better!" Maria cheered, "your hands'll get well soon!" "I see- such an overpowering healing technique. Might as well kiss Brian on the arm and ankle, Rin by the forehead and spine, Folisha as a whole and Adrienne on the hands too." Gaela replied sarcastically. "Woah that's one feral cat." Lait commented as she munched on the last piece of bacon on the plate. "Tell me about it." Gaela sighed, "anyways are you still insane enough to after the smugglers Maria?"

Maria gave Gaela a big toothy grin.

"At least let me accompany you." Gaela finally decided, "I need to make sure you're alright." "Woah there bud! Possessive much eh?" Maria joked. Gaela isn't impressed. "Wait you're serious?!" Maria asked in disbelief. "Marii, allow me to accompany you too." Lait said simply as soon as she finished eating. "Eh?! You too Lait?"

"I can't get you injured," Lait said, "I wouldn't want a friend of mine doing something rash and couldn't handle it properly while I'm a bystander. I'm coming with you. I have nothing better to do anyways." "So it's decided," Gaela continued as she stood up from her chair. "We're coming with you." Lait insisted.

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