Chapter 54

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Yinyu groggily opened his eyes, only to find himself tied up on the floor. Everything was blurry. Yinyu frowned; he cannot find his glasses and the kidnappers probably took them. The teenager surveyed his surroundings blindly, making out two blobs beside him. Rien and David. They seemed to be unconscious.

The sound of a door creaking was heard and Yinyu cautiously glanced at the source of the sound. "Who are you? Why am I here? What's going on?" Yinyu immediately asked the blurry figure in sight. The figure was in full black; making it hard for Yinyu to make out who it was. He squinted his eyes, trying to take note of their features but no avail. The figure held out their hands and began gesturing them around. "I don't understand whatever you're trying to do. Speak up. I can't see," Yinyu said.

The figure paused before they hurried to a reach cabinet of some sort. They opened a few drawers to look for something and they finally took out something delicate. Immediately, the figure hurried to Yinyu. The figure have Yinyu's glasses in hand. They helped Yinyu put it on.

Yintu's vision immediately got better and he surveyed his sight; he was in an office of some sort. David and Rien laid unconscious, tied up like Yinyu. In front of Yinyu was a person in a suit with a veil. Everyone knew who this veiled person was. Well, everyone can recognise this well known individual. The veiled person was the principal of St. Peter's.

Wait — that meant Yinyu was currently in St. Peter's somewhere? Yinyu didn't know but it was possible. Maybe? The principal's hands began gesturing around. Even if Yinyu could see what the principal was gesturing, he couldn't understand anything. He frowned. "I don't speak sign language," he told them, "just tell me where am I, who are you, what are you going to do with my friends and I." The veiled figure reluctantly took off their veil.

As soon as Yinyu saw her visage, he widened his eyes in shock as he stared at a familiar face. It was the face of a young lady, around the same age as David, with brown eyes and black hair. The lady seemed to resemble Rien and his older brother a lot. She gave Yinyu a sheepish smile. "It's you!" Yinyu exclaimed, "you're alive?? My stupid sister misses you dearly. Why don't you ever come and see us—" The girl opened her mouth a tiny bit but no words came out. She shook her head sadly.

"Ugh... My head hurts.." David Moon shuffled around in an exhausted manner. "Yin, Rien, are you guys okay?" David opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder. Yinyu held his breath as soon as he saw David's expression when he landed his eyes on the lady. oh no. Buckle up everybody, David set his eyes on an old friend of his. Yinyu can see himself cringing to death within a few minutes.

David fell silent, blinking owlishly as if he was dreaming and still processing the face in front of him. He looked up and down from the lady repeatedly like he was nodding, observing and taking in every little detail about the young woman in a suit. It seemed as if the chessman was so entranced by the lady in front of him he forgot to breathe. Yinyu watched as the so-called principal of St. Peter's looked away, embarrassed. David Moon finally smirked, his brown eyes twinkling in delight and smiling. Yinyu haven't seen that smile in years.

"My my; the Sun to my Moon is here~! It's really nice to see you again," David winked, "it's been years since we last saw each other! God you've changed. You look just as cute as before." David nodded in approval. "Ten out of ten would smash 100%." The lady smiled sheepishly, her brown eyes softened at the sight of David. She blinked a few times before she widened her eyes in utter horror. She folded her arms quickly and pouted angrily, rolling her eyes but failing to get rid of the smile on her face.

♕♚An Assassin's Faith♔♛Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz