Chapter 3 - Worst Day Ever

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Jason In Second Slide


Ivan POV 🌸

Fuck! I'm gonna be late! I check the time to see that it's 5:32 I overslept! I quickly get out of bed and took a quick shower. He already hates me I can't pull this shit by being late. I skip breakfast in a hurry and looked for my white button up shirt, grey slim fit dress pants, and my black converse shoes. After getting dressed I grab all the stuff and went straight out the door.

Thirty minutes into my walk I pull out my phone to text Amanda a quick message, unfortunately the sidewalk decided to be a little a bitch and create a little bump for me to trip on. Luckily I broke my fall.

With my wrist.

"Shit that fucking hurt" I groaned out in pain while on the ground. People passed by me with concerned glances but none bothered to actually help me up, humans are confusing as hell. I'm gonna have to hide this, I can't have him thinking I'm a lazy PA just because of my stupid ass wrist.

I get up and dust myself off, wincing at the pain my wrist is causing, I ignore it. Picking up my stuff I immediately drop my satchel from the pulsing pain in my wrist. This gonna be a bigger problem than I thought. I just put the satchel over I'm shoulder to save me the trouble.

Slowly but surely I made it to his building in one piece might I add, I had tucked my wrist against my chest while I was at the subway which helped relieve some of the pain.

Walking in Lilly gave me a concerned look but I just dismissed it by waving it off to her, which was a terrible idea cause now my wrist was pulsing with pain once more, I ground my teeth out trying to suppress the pained yelp that might escape my lips.

Heading towards Estrella office elevator, it opens revealing a very angry Estrella. "What the hell took you so long?" He said, clearly annoyed. "I j-just woke up l-late t-that's all" I stumbled out, he just glared at me before grabbing my hand and yanked me with him till we were both outside. The whole time I was biting my bottom lip in order to suppress the pained scream that threatens to come out, it got so bad that I could taste blood. "You're not setting foot in this Building Till you get my fucking coffee and breakfast, understand?" He snapped out, I just nodded frantically before hurrying out his way and went towards the coffee shop first since I was closer to it.

I flung the door open which startled Gingham and some costumers, some glared at me for ruining there peaceful day as I hurriedly went to the front counter. "Coffee with two espresso shots, with cream, and no soy please" I said anxiously. "Alright, mind I ask what's the hurry" Gingham asked, "My boss, I got here pretty late and he wants me get him his daily dose coffee. I'm scared he'll fire me so I made it here as fast as I could" I gave him a tired smile. "Oh, sorry I asked", after 10 minutes of waiting the coffee was finally ready, I grabbed it with my good hand and waved him a goodbye, flinching at the minor pain my wrist is still giving me.

I made my way to the Diner a few blocks down, entering I'm greeted by Catalina, the lady who wrote my order down yesterday. "What will it be today Ivan?" She said smiling at me. "Uh just the usual Cat oh and maybe a crepe" even under all this stress I feel calm in the diner, it reminds of my past before everything went to shit with my family and just life in general. "Alrighty just give us a few minutes and your order will be ready" I go on my phone, texting like my life depends on it to Amanda about how shitty my day has been going.

Amanda -  I hate him for you, why don't you quit?

Ivan - I cant. I need this job to save for an apartment in Manhattan I'm just gonna have to deal with his BS till I have enough

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