Chapter 9 - The Man

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Ivan in slide


Estrella POV 🌼

It's been a few days since Ivan told me he wanted to go to that little pizza place next to the diner, I figured he wanted something more casual so I didn't put a tie on my suit.

Did I mention I'm nervous?

Well I am, I keep trying to get him to like me, but all the shit I'm doing is just pushing him away especially a few days ago when I practically told him he's a spoiled brat when in reality it was quite the opposite. I really hope he likes the surprise I have for him on his birthday.

I got a text from Ivan telling me he's ready. It's still pretty its at 6 a.m so not many people are out yet. I figured going early would attract more attention and give us the whole day to hang out. I actually waited in my limo in front of his apartment, I didn't want to burden him with going all the way to me so I figured I'd go to him instead.

Seeing the door of the building open slightly, Ivans body peaks out, his back is facing me, but there's a random guy following him and talking to him. This guys was huge, about my size actually with blonde hair. They're arguing about something loudly, I could faintly hear their yelling from in here, and the limo is soundproof.

Something must of pissed Ivan off cause he punched the guy in the face, the man stumbles back. He looks at Ivan in shock, blood dripping down his nose before lashing out at Ivan and slamming him into the wall.

By his neck.

Ivan was grasping at the mans hands, trying to pry his hands off his neck, gasping for air as the mans grip tightens around his throat. His eyes were starting to roll to the back of his head as his body goes limp. I was trying to yank the car door open, screaming at my chauffeur to open the door.

"OPEN THE FUCKING CAR DOOR" I screamed, "It's jammed!" my chauffeur explained, fuck this limo I'm getting a new one. Ivan's face was starting to turn blue, as the mans grip only tightened even more, his eyes were half open, glazed white as his irises have fully rolled back.

At this point Ivan's hands had gone limp and were dangling by his sides while his legs have all but buckled. He was essentially being hanged by his neck since that was the only thing keeping him up.

Somehow by the grace of god my adrenaline gives some super strength and the limos hinges break when I kicked it. I ram into the door with all my strength, causing it to fly open, hanging slightly from the broken hinge. The man didn't even notice the loud sound, he was so focused on choking Ivan.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN LEAVE ME? YOU BITCH. THAN YOU COME BACK AND RUIN MY LIFE!" The man yelled at him, Ivan was twitching slightly, a small gurgling sound was coming out of his mouth as he slowly began to lose consciousness. I was running at him at full speed, before I tackled him to the ground.

Ivan's body collapses and laid limp on the side of the apartment building, his eyes still half opened and rolled back making it seem white.

"Don't fucking touch him!" I growled at the man, I punched him relentlessly, till his face was unrecognizable, his blonde hair stained red from the blood. By the time I was done, he laid limp gurgling and coughing out blood.

"If I ever fucking see you near him again, I will ruin you" I seethed, I literally spat at the man and rushed over to Ivan, who was still limp on the sidewalk. My poor baby had a bruise on his right eye and his neck barred the grip marks from the man.

"Baby? Are you there?!" I said frantically, I was shaking him by his shoulders but he wasn't responding. "Ivan please wake up!" I choked out, tears were falling out of my eyes as I watched him slowly leave me. I hugged him tightly, his body was still warm, but I could feel the heat slowly leaving him. "Ivan" I whimpered. I heard the ambulance sirens get louder and louder. I fucking watched it go down, the man, the argument, and I still didn't save him in time.

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