Suits and Secrets

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The older Phoenix House members retired to their sleeping quarters, followed by the very young, leaving only those around Ash's age. As soon as the numbers dwindled, Ollie spread a deck of hand-made cards on the long dining table and smirked. "Who wants to play Suits and Secrets?"

"Me," Apple said, taking a seat opposite Ollie.

"Me too," a young blonde-haired girl said, sitting next to Apple and grinning. The two seemed to know each other well.

Ollie looked around. "How about you, Jacob?

Jacob pushed himself up from the couch and joined them. Though his pace was reluctant. "Fine."

"Yolanda? Donny? Gus?"

He was met with nods of ascent. Only Gus seemed hesitant. "Better not. I'm your teacher now."

"Oh, come on. You're not gonna turn into a toff nose on us, are you?"

Gus sighed. "One round."

"Sprout?" Ollie said.

"I'll watch."

Ollie tutted. "Alright. Just this time. But only cos you're new."

He dealt the cards. Each player passed their two best cards to their right. Then, left of the dealer, and beginning with the lowest number, they got rid of their cards, one-by-one, each card higher than the next until nobody could, or wanted to beat the top card.

"All out?" Ollie said.

They nodded.

The girl sitting next to Apple, who Ash assumed was Yolanda, won on a Queen of spades. "Ooo. A dare," she said, wiggling her eyebrows. She turned to Apple. "I dare you to kiss Ollie."

Apple screwed up her face. Ollie sat post straight, as though hoping to disappear into the furniture. Ash watched, mortified, as Apple leaned in, face scrunched and kissed him abruptly on the lips. This was followed by loud gagging noises from both. Ollie made a show of wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.

The game continued, but Ash found her jaw was stuck wide-open. What kind of game forces people to kiss each other?She thought. Nobody had ever played anything like it at the orphanage, and if they had, they would've been sent to Solitary for it. The idea disgusted and intrigued her at the same time and she was still thinking about it long into the second round.

"Hah!" Apple said, holding up her trump card—an ace of spades. "I choose Ollie," she said, turning to the hooked-nosed boy with an evil grin on her face.

Ollie shrunk down in his seat, looking peevish at ever having suggested the game in the first place.

"Three truths, one lie," Apple said, leaning forward.

Ollie snorted. "Easy. One: I set my house on fire by accident, which is how they knew I was 'different'. Two: I accidentally stapled my fingers together once. And three: my real name is Richard. Which one's the lie?"

"That's easy. No way is your name Richard." Apple said.

Ollie shook his head. "Wrong! I get to give you my two weakest cards next round."

Apple burst into such uncontrollable laughter that she almost fell off her chair. "Wait. Your name's Richard?"

Ollie nodded.

Apple turned to Jacob, eyes glittering. "It makes so much sense now. He was a Dick all along."

Jacob snorted.

Apple frowned. "So, which one was the lie? The house burning or the staple through your fingers?"

Ollie smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know."

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