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She stared down the barrel, finger resting on the trigger. She brought her left hand up to meet her right to stop the shaking. She'd never fired a gun at anyone before, and she was already having second thoughts. This was too dangerous. Completely and utterly mad. But if it worked, it would mean the Wanderers would have a defence against the Establishment's weaponry.

She lowered the gun. "I can't."

Gus rolled his eyes for the third time that afternoon. He'd approached her after training with two chains he'd had Gunner make, and a gun he'd acquired from Miki, who'd refused to tell him what she'd needed it for. It had been in storage for so many years, the cartridge had rusted into place. They didn't know how many bullets were loaded on it, or if it would even work.

Now, the light was seeping from the sky. If she didn't do it soon, they'd have to wait another day to try the technique. Gus was already spinning the chains so fast, his hands and forearms disappeared in a blur. Ash suspected he was using his force to reach such speeds.

"Just don't aim it directly at me," he said. "Aim it at the radius of chain around my body."

"How can you be so confident when I'm pointing a gun at you?" she said.

Gus grinned lopsidedly. "Because it's going to work. I can feel it. It's like my force is telling me it'll be okay."

Ash understood that feeling very well, and the idea spurred her on. Before she could back out again she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. There was an ear-ringing crack, followed by a loud ping and when she opened her eyes again, she half expected to be looking at Gus on the ground in a pool of blood.

But Gus was still standing where he'd been, chains still whirling, eyes wide, a hint of mirth creasing their edges. "You closed your eyes!" He yelled. "I could've died."

Ash placed the gun on the ground, hand over her mouth. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

Gus laughed. "Am I okay? It worked, Sprout. Do it again!"

She shook her head. There was no way she was so much as going near the gun again. It had worked once. That was all she needed to know.

Gus laughed and flung the chains to the ground and before she knew it, he was lifting her off the ground and spinning her around in circles. It must've been the adrenaline of getting shot at that made him do it, but next thing she knew, he was kissing her—first on the cheek, and then on the lips. Ash must've been feeling the effects of adrenaline too, for before she knew it, she was kissing him back. Her head swirled and her skin tingled. She hadn't expected her first kiss to be so wholly unexpected, or for it to feel quite so... nice. Still, it wasn't the kind of nice that made her want to throw herself in front of a taser like Evelyn had.

They broke apart, and solid ground meet Ash's feet once more. Head still spinning, she clung to Gus's robes. He'd gone still, and was staring over her shoulder. When she turned to see what he was looking at, her stomach dropped. Eli had stepped out onto the darkening field. His expression shielded by the passing shadow of a cloud.

"Impressive," he said. "Do you think Gunner will be able to make enough chains for everyone?"

Gus glanced at Ash, but she didn't return his gaze. "Don't see why not," he said.

Eli nodded. "We'll implement your technique in training tomorrow." He began to walk away.

Ash made to follow, then stopped. Why did she want follow Eli? Why did she have such a strong urge to race after him and drag him into the light, just so she could see the expression that had been hidden from his face by the shadow of the passing clouds? What did she care what he thought about Gus and her kissing? She shook her head. She was going mad.

Gus was pulling her back to him, and his arms were around her waist, his lips seeking hers, and she had to admit it didn't feel bad. His hands didn't leave behind a dirty sordid feeling like the hands of the seedy businessman from Sinderellas Palace. But they also didn't leave scolding imprints wherever they went, like Eli's had on the night of the fireflies.



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