Jacob Story

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The sound drew Ash's attention away from Eli and up the beach where a bright red explosion shot through the air, followed by purple sparks which bounced towards the bonfire. Shouts and screams erupted from the gathered crowd on the other side of the fire where they'd been patiently waiting for the initiation to conclude.

Ash ducked behind Eli, her thoughts finding the worst conclusion. This was it. The Establishment had come. But just as the gathering was about to dissolve into full-blown panic, Miki stood and moved calmly to the centre of the commotion, thrusting her hands in the air. "Nobody panic. It's just Shorty's homemade fireworks."

Shorty's answering, "Blast!" from down the beach, at the source of the explosion, confirmed her statement. A few seconds later he came into view, smoke rising from his clothes, smelling of singed hair. "It's okay everyone. Don't panic. They're just my homemade fireworks."

Miki rolled her eyes. "As I said."

"Thought I'd get this party started."

Gunner, who was standing beside the crowd of onlookers on the far side of the fire pointed. "Shorty, you might want to check your rear end."

Shorty yelped and clutched his backside from where smoke made curdled wisps in the air. As he twisted and turned, trying to see the extent of the damage, the rest of the gathering were subjected to an interesting view of his bright white bottom through his robes, where the embers had burned two perfect holes, one on each cheek.

The crowd burst into peels of laughter. Even Ash gave a little hiccupping laugh.

Miki, however, was not impressed. "Are you an idiot?"she said, striding over to him with her arms folded over her chest. "The Establishment is looking for us and you think it'd be a grand idea setting off some explosives for fun?" Her voice rose. "You scared us shitless."

"More like he scared himself pantless," Ollie said.

Shorty turned, held out his arms and bowed, giving the gathering a full moon view of his buttocks again.

Once more, the gathering dissolved into peels of laughter. The only one not laughing, was Miki.

"One day you're going to get yourself killed pulling a stupid stunt like that," she said.

Shorty grinned. "Can't think of a better way to go."

And just like that, Miki strode forward and shoved Shorty backwards with such force, he almost landed on his bare bottom.

"What was that for?" Shorty cried.

Miki shook with anger. "Don't you dare say that again," she said. "We need you for more than your stupid stunts. You're just so ..." she struggled for words. "Selfish." She stormed away, down the beach and back to the Aqua Mizuri cliffs.

Shorty stood stunned in place for a handful of seconds before winding a path into the forest towards Spiritus house.

"Love," Eli said, turning back to Ash. "One day they'll realise it."

Ash's chest fluttered.

Celebrations began with food. Lots of it. Skewered vegetables gently charcoaled on the pyre, sticky rice steamed in banana leaves and seasoned with dried seaweed flakes, fish stuffed with root vegetables and sprinkled with an assortment of herbs, boiled seabird eggs dipped in a fermented bean sauce, and fresh fruit juices squeezed straight from the pawpaw or the mango and topped with tiny purple berries that popped in the mouth, exuding a burst of tangy sweetness.

After stuffing themselves silly, the earth wielders took up instruments—drums and handmade guitars—while the wind wielders blew on conical instruments made from clay and painted with intricate designs. The ensuing music was a captivating clash of hollow beat and wafting melody—exciting and evocative—like a stone skimming the surface of a lake.

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