Lucy Ludwell-Paradise

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Location: Williamsburg, VA
Time Era: 18th century

Lucy was a colonial girl living in Williamsburg, Virginia, around the 18th and 19th century. She married John Paradise and they lived in London, England, for many years.

Lucy's father passed away in 1767, and she inherited his house on the North side of Duke of Gloucester street.

In 1805, Lucy herself moved into her late father's house after her husband, John, died and her old friends in London grew less tolerable of her eccentricities. Her status with the socially elite was quickly lost.

While she lived in Williamsburg, people were quick to notice Lucy's odd behaviors, including compulsive bathing and a huge ego. They were suspicious of her being a thief.

In 1812 Lucy was confined to the Public Hospital for the Insane. She spent a long two years there. The exact treatments Lucy and the other inmates are unknown, but they are probably not very pleasant. History does not put a positive connotation with the Public Hospital.

Lucy Ludwell-Paradise committed suicide after two years at the hospital. She is now said to haunt the upper floor of her old home in Williamsburg. There, visitors have reported eerie sounds like dripping water... as if Lucy's ghost was bathing upstairs.

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