Tunnelton Tunnel

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Time Era: mid-1800s onward
Location: Indiana 

The little town of Tunnelton, Indiana, was named for the several railroad tunnels cut into the hills nearby. Several accounts claim the place to be haunted by various spirits.

It all started in the 1850s, when construction on what became known as 'Big Tunnel' began. 

Before the tunnel was constructed, the land above it was used as a cemetery. When the workers dug up into the hill, caskets and their corpses fell through the soil.

And that was only the beginning. Several workers were killed in accidents during the tunnel's construction, including one man who was decapitated. People say that he wanders the area with a glowing lantern in one hand and his severed head cradled in his other arm.

Another alleged ghost was a man named Henry Dixon. Murders were not uncommon at the time of his death. Henry worked as a Big Tunnel night watchman.

In 1908, Henry was found dead a few feet into the tunnel with a long gash in the back of his head. Next to his dead body was his lantern, still alight.

The residents of Tunnelton never found the murderer of Henry, and he still haunts the town and its tunnels, searching for justice.

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