School Day

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Pure Love, Pure Hate
Thus makes the world
An Equal Place- Author

Mary P.O.V

Eddie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Rosalie left for school. Mommy and Daddy went to work leaving Jacob to babysit me. I made my brothers and sisters lunch even though, I knew they won't eat it since they don't have taste buds. I heard footsteps as I wrap a cloth around  the last lunchbox.

"Who are those for?" I heard Jacob asked making me place the last box on the top.

"I made lunch for Eddie, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper." I smiled towards Jacob who only chuckles and shake his head.

"You know they can't." He tells me pointing in his mouth as I frown a little and nod my head sadly.

"I just wanna make lunch for them." I said softly looking on the table.

"I guess we can bring it to them." Jacob sighs making me look at him with awe.

"Weally?!" I squealed making him laugh and nod his head.

"Go get your coat." Jacob tells me and I got off the chair pushing it back gently in the table before running towards the stairs and climb up to my room. I grabbed my coat and Luna as I walk back downstairs.

"I'm weady!" I shout making Jacob look up smiling at me. He held the lunch box on one hand as he helps me put on my jacket.

"Thank you Jakey!" I giggled making them laugh.

"Alright, lets go." He held his hand out which I gladly took as he took me to his truck. He opens the door and places me on a car seat buckling me up. He walks towards the driver side as I hum and held onto Luna.

"Ready?" He asked as soon as he buckled up and looked at me. I nodded my head making him smile and drive me to the high where my brothers and sisters go to.

As we made it, I couldn't help, but feel excited to see them again. Jacob laughed seeing how happy I am as he parks the car.

"Okay, rules. Never leave my sight, stay close and don't talk to anyone you don't know. Okay?" He looks at me and I nod my head. He smiles before leaving the car and walking to the side. He opens the door where I am at and unbuckles my belt before carrying me.

"I'll carry Luna while you carry their lunch so you could give it to them. Deal?" Jacob smiles making me smile.

"Yes!" I said making him laugh. I gave him Luna as he handed me the 5 lunchbox I made. We both walked to the front of the school and walk up the stairs to the entrance. Jacob opens the door for me as we entered a room.

"Mary, go sit down first." Jacob tells me and I nod as I sat down and Jacob place Luna next to me before walking towards the front desk.

I hummed looking around the room. It was pretty small and not homey. Jacob soin came with a tag on his jacket named Vistor, Jacob.

"Why you have tag on your jacket?" I asked pointing at the jacket as Jacob places mine.

"Cause, we are visiting. And this tells other teachers that we are not intruders." He tells me with a smile as I make an 'awe' look before nodding my head.

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