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Creatures are both
Beauty and Unique- Author

Edward P.O.V

The trees blossom with pink flowers hanging from each branches. The wind blew softly causing some of those flowers to pluck and fly along the wind. It flee's from its home until-

"EDDIE!" Mary called causing me to stop writing and look up.

"Mary? Mary!" I stood up and ran quickly out of my room and towards Mary as I slam the door open seeing a teen girl about 16 years old looking at the mirror as her hair grows longer. My eyes widen as she turns around scared touching her face.

"What's happening to me?" She asked as her voice changes.

"What's going on?...Mary?" Esme's voice lower as Mary looked at her and she began sobbing.

"Mommy, what's happening to me." She cries and my instinct first was run and hug her so I did.

"It's okay, princess." I whispered and held her close to me as she cried and hugged me as well. Everyone else joined in giving all the comfort that she needed. I looked at Carlisle who nodded knowing that we needed answers.

"Mary, why don't we go downstairs and get you some water then tell us what happened. Okay?" Carlisle looks at Mary who stopped crying and nodded her head. I carried her gently in my arms as I followed Carlisle out of the room. I looked down at Mary seeing her beauty grew more. She slowly looks up at me as I gave her a smile and kissed her head before we arrived at the living room and I gently sat down along with her on my lap.

"Esme, dear, will you get water for Mary?" Carlisle looked at Esme who nodded and disappears before appearing and handing Mary a glass of water. She took it and thanked Esme before drinking. I smiled knowing she is still innocent and polite. After she finished drinking, Esme took the glass for her and Carlisle had a pen and notepad ready.

"Alright, Baby girl. Tell us what happened." Carlisle smiles gently as Mary nods and began.

"I was sleeping and I had a dream of a beautiful forest. Different kinds of animals with weird colors on them and butterflies that shine way more prettier and sparkles trail behind them as they fly." She tells making me and the others smile while I lay my chin on her shoulder as we all listen.

"Then I followed one particular butterfly. The butterfly was...very very beautiful and I followed it deep in the woods until I came across a beautiful woman sitting down on the table along with Mr. Piggles and Mrs. Ferret. She was sitting where Luna usually sit. They turned towards me and greeted me with welcome arms. We had fun until the woman wanted to speak to me alone and we walked deeper into the forest."

"What did the woman look like?"

"Kinda like what Luna looks like except her hair was longer and brighter and her dress was very pretty." Mary smiles.

"Alright, what did she say to you?" Carlisle asked again as he looked up from his notepad.

"She told me that 'You finally found your soulmate and that I must be within the same age of 16 years old. She granted me both beauty, intelligence' and other things that I have forgot. I soon woke up feeling a headache and I got up to go to the bathroom when I glanced at the mirror and saw someone and screamed for Eddie. I looked down and saw until looking up again seeing Eddie." She explained as Carlisle wrote all of these down.

"Do you know the woman's name?"

"She's Luna daddy! You know her." Mary giggles making me chuckle as Carlisle did as well.

"I see, does Luna communicate for anyone?"

"Umm...may I ask her?" She looks at Carlisle who nods his head. Mary stood up and walks up the stairs. As soon as she's out of sight, I sighed and looked at Carlisle.

"How did this happened? Mary was so small earlier." Rosalie mumbles and Emmett hugged her while I nod my head in my agreement.

"I don't know, but I know Mary is just a normal human from the smell of her blood." Carlisle sighs and we heard thudding as we looked to see Mary carrying her doll and walking downstairs.

"Luna said she will only communicate if everyone closes their eyes." Mary tells us as we all looked at each other.

"Alright. Everyone, lets do as she says." Carlisle tells them and they nodded before closing their eyes. I looked at Mary who smiles and nods at me before I smiled back and closed my own eyes. A bright light flash as I opened them to see a beautiful forest along with animals.

"Guys." I mumbled as I looked around and heard gasp from everyone.

"Holy...DEER!" Emmett shouted making us all look to see a deer with big antlers and shining things hanging on them causing for us to look in awe.

"This...This place is incredible." Jasper mumbles looking around again.

"Follow me!" Mary waves at us and we all looked at each other before following her. She grabs my hand gently as I held onto hers. We soon arrived to a place that has a table with teapots on it and more chairs. A woman sat sipping tea as she looked at us with a warming smile.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Please sit." She tells us and we all did as we were told. I sat next to Mary who smiles happily as she began to sip tea.

"You must be Edward." The woman looks at me as I nod my head.

"Yes, that would be me." I told her as she smiles again.

"It's nice to meet you. I must say that you do have a good heart as well as a good family, but I will be watching you all. If anything happens to Mary, there will be consequences. Do you understand?" She looks at everyone and we nodded our heads seeing how deadly serious she is.

"Luna, I'm sure they'll take care of me." Mary tells her as she sighs and nods.

"I believe so. I mean, that girl Bella is a spoiled brat to begin with. She wants nothing more then power and immortality because she found out that vampires exist." She implies as her eyes drifted towards me making me look down towards the table and I felt a hand on mine.

"But, I don't blame it on you Edward. She will find it out either way that vampires are real since what she saw at first. Just don't let her get near of Mary or she will do things...things that some human would do." Luna tells us as we all looked at each other with worry.

"We'll protect her. We promise." Carlisle tells her and we nodded.

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