Chapter 3 [edited]

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The car ride home was deafeningly silent, as Bella was lost in her own little world and I tried to figure out how to ask her what happened between her and Edward. Eventually, I gave up as her house drew nearer, hoping that she would talk to me when she was ready. Pulling into the driveway, Bella put the truck into park, turned the ignition off, and slumped down in her seat.

"I think Edward hates me," she said quietly. "He didn't talk to me at all. The whole class period, he was either glaring at me or staring at the board. Then he bolted as soon as the bell rang."

"I don't think it has anything to do with you, Bells." I reassured her. "Maybe there's something he's dealing with. Family matter, or something like that. I'm sure he'll come to his senses and realize how rude he was."

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks, Leaf." A small smile tugged at Bella's lips. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya tomorrow." I headed down the sidewalk before calling over my shoulder. "And don't work yourself up about Cullen!"

Mom's car was parked in the driveway as I approached the house, rummaging in my purse for my house key. A horn beeped behind me and I turned to see Billy and Jacob driving by. Billy gave a small wave, which I returned back with a smile. Jacob had a smile on his face as well, and even from the porch, I could tell his eyes were full of laughter at some inside joke. My cheeks flushing, I turned back to the front door and inserted my key into the deadbolt, quickly stepping inside and shutting the door.

"Mom? I'm home!" I called out as I leaned down to untie my brown booties.

"I'm in the kitchen." She called back.

Setting my booties by the door, I wandered toward the kitchen where Mom was sitting at the island, papers scattered across the countertop.

"What's all this?" I asked, plopping my backpack down in one of the chairs and walking over to the fridge to get a snack.

"This is the paperwork for my new bakery," Mom beamed. "I found a vacant place next to the diner in town."

"Good for you!" I squealed, grinning. "I knew you'd find something. I'm so proud of you, Mom."

"Thanks, baby... oh, and I was wondering if you would like a part-time job." Mom looked at me sheepishly.

"I'd love to come and help you. It'll be just like old times when I was little and we would bake desserts all day."

"I miss those days." A sad smile spread across Mom's face, before she shook her head and focused on me. "How was school today?"

"It was actually okay," I admitted, sitting down next to her. "Bella and I have almost every class together, except two. We played volleyball in gym class, and Bella pelted a guy in the back of the head. Accidentally, of course; she's a bit clumsy. Mike, the guy from gym class, is really nice. And I made three more friends; well, at least two. The one is a total snob, and I think she thinks that Bella has a crush on Mike."

"Does she?"

"No, I don't think so. We saw the Cullens at lunch today, and Bella couldn't stop looking at Edward."

"Oh, Dr. Cullen's adopted kids. Charlie introduced me to the doctor this morning when we went to check out the space. He seems like a good man."

"Well, if his kids are any indication, then he's smart and good-looking."

"They do make a beautiful family. Anyways, I'm glad you're making some friends." Mom reached over and squeezed my hand. "It makes me worry a little less, knowing you have a support group here. Speaking of which, have you heard from any of your friends back home?"

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