Chapter 34 [edited]

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

The soft singing filling the room woke me from a dreamless sleep, the smell of pumpkin and chocolate reaching my nose. My eyes fluttered open to Mom and Chloe standing next to my bed, Mom holding a tray of pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes with a candle stuck in the middle and Chloe holding a vase of pink carnations attached to a balloon. Both grinned as I sat up, returning an embarrassed smile back.

"Happy birthday, dear Autumn... happy birthday to you!"

Mom held the tray out in front of me, gesturing toward the candle. Closing my eyes, I blew the flame out as Mom and Chloe cheered excitedly.

"Happy birthday, baby girl!" Mom kissed the top of my head, smoothing my hair down. "You're finally 18!"

"Thanks, Mom."

I hungrily dug into the pancakes, my eyes closing in delight as the taste of pumpkin buzzed my taste buds. Taking a second bite, I eyed Mom and Chloe suspiciously as they slid two beautifully wrapped boxes towards me.

Mom's box was a shiny gold wrapping paper tied together with a ruby red ribbon in a big fancy bow. Chloe's was embraced by purple and pink polka dotted white paper and tied with a bright pink ribbon, her handwriting scribbled neatly across the sticker in the left corner.

"You really didn't have to get me anything," I mumbled, setting my fork down to stare at them.

"I'm your mother. I'm allowed to buy you a birthday present." Mom said teasingly.

"And as your best friend, so am I." Chloe stuck out her tongue. "Just open them before you keep protesting."

"Okay, okay!" I held up my hands in surrender, laughing.

Picking up Mom's gift first, I carefully unwrapped the box, attempting to avoid giving myself a papercut. Unrevealing a medium brown box slightly larger than a shoebox, I raised an eyebrow suspiciously as Mom handed me a pair of scissors to cut through the tape. I broke into giggles as I lifted the tissue paper, taking in the contents of the box in my lap.

"You seriously wrapped each present?" I removed the last of the snacks and candies layered on top of the presents as I turned to Mom, who was also chuckling.

"I had to do something special for your birthday. And I couldn't decide on what to get you so I made a gift box. Go on, open them!" Mom said, gesturing to the small packages.

I reached into the open box and pulled out a slender, rectangular item. Tearing the paper away, I grinned when I saw a hardcover diary with an attached lock and key; it was a pale pink color with my name engraved in gold cursive across the cover. Inside the front cover were the words "For the days when a talk with Mom can't help" scribbled in Mom's cursive writing, and I knew Mom mostly chose the diary for me to process everything that had been going on lately.

The next package contained a three-pack of disposable cameras; I squealed in delight as my mind recognized the green and white packaging. The last of the individually wrapped presents was a set of colored gel pens to go along with my new diary. I set the gifts aside and embraced Mom again.

"I love my presents, Mom. Thank you," I said as I rested my head against her shoulder.

"Okay, time for you to open Chloe's gift!" Mom placed the skinny box in my lap.

Undoing the ribbon, I slid the lid off the box and took out a scrapbook with a picture of Chloe and me from the first day of fourth grade on the cover. Tears began to swell in my eyes as I flipped the book open, seeing the photos of us throughout the years. Some pages also included things like movie ticket stubs, photo booth strips and old handwritten notes passed during class. It wasn't just a scrapbook filled with photos; it was a collection of our lives intertwined since birth.

Falling for Autumn | Jacob BlackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora