Chapter 25 [edited]

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"What are our options, then?"

Mom's voice floated up the stairs as I began to descend toward the kitchen. Her question made me pause, subconsciously holding my breath as I eavesdropped.

"In order for Chloe to be enrolled at Forks High School, her parents have to sign these forms," Charlie responded. "She's still technically a minor according to the state of Michigan and Washington and has to finish high school. If she isn't enrolled and isn't a dropout, her parents could be in serious trouble with the law. So could you, for having her here."

"I'll call her mom again. Maybe this time she'll pick up."

There was a pause, charging the atmosphere with a sense of anticipation. I quietly made my way to the hallway, concealing myself with the wall separating me from the kitchen.

"Margaret? Hey, it's Julie. Yes, Chloe's okay. Whoa, slow down, you're breaking up." The panic in Mom's voice was enough to make me step forward, earning a raised eyebrow from Charlie. "Take a deep breath, Maggie. There you go. Okay, now what about Chloe being in trouble?"

Mom listened for a few moments, her eyes locked with mine. I held my breath, hoping my instinct was wrong. The moment Mom gasped and shocked surprise flashed across her face, I knew it wasn't.

"Crap." I mumbled under my breath, pulling my cell phone out of my pocket and searching for Jacob's name. Hitting send, I turned away from Mom and Charlie, feverishly wishing for him to answer.


"I was right."

"Be there in five. Make sure she's with you."

With a click, Jacob was gone. Ice crawling through my veins, I faced Mom who was finishing her own conversation.

"We'll see you this weekend. Take care of yourself, Maggie. I love you. Alright, bye."

"We're going back," I stated, grasping the countertop in front of me.

"We have to," Mom said gently. "Jacob's on his way."

"Yeah." I stopped myself from continuing, glancing at Charlie. "We, uh... had plans to hang out with Chloe today. Show her around and stuff."

"Okay, Leaf." A fake, happy smile flashed across her face. "You kids stay safe and have fun."

As casually as I could, I turned and walked out of the kitchen. Out of sight from Mom and Charlie, I ran upstairs to the guest bedroom where Chloe was sitting at the bay window, reading a book.

"Chloe," I fumbled, my voice cracking as I tried to figure out how to break the news to her.

"What is it, Autumn?" Chloe put her book down as she took in my expression.

"I, uh... Jacob's on his way to get us. To hang out, show you around Forks and La Push," I said loudly, holding up a hand to silence her as I glanced down the hallway before stepping into her room and shutting the door. "I need you to get ready, Jacob's almost here. We... we need to go to the Cullens."

"What's wrong?"

I could see the panic in her eyes, even as Chloe tried to pretend she was cool. Taking a deep breath, I met her gaze.

"Reed's after both of us."

The air was charged with a distraught atmosphere as soon as the words registered with Chloe. Her body stiffened, her knuckles turning pale as she dug her nails into her palms; a telltale sign of her fear. In a blink of an eye, I was sitting next to her, gently tugging her hands open.

"It'll be okay, Peaches," I murmured. "I'll protect you. Jacob and the Cullens will protect us. And we'll find that scumbag before he hurts either of us again."

Falling for Autumn | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now