13. Yeah, I guess so.

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Soundtrack: How do you sleep? - Sam Smith

I'm done hatin' myself for feelin'
I'm done cryin' myself awake
I've gotta leave and start the healin'
But when you move like that, I just want to stay
Oh no, how did I manage to lose me?
I am not this desperate, not this crazy
There's no way I'm stickin' 'round to find out
I won't lose like that, I won't lose myself


IRL Conversation:

Setting: Elizabeth Olsen's livingroom couch

Elizabeth, have you notcied how I've been feeling for the past week?

Well yeah, you're still quite down about our whole situation.

I'm not just 'down' Lizzie, I'm starting to really struggle to be around you.

I thought you were getting better though?

No, I'm getting worse. Like when I was angry at you the whole day at the meetings.

You said you were just hungry.

I know, but I lied.
Everytime I'm around you I want to crawl out of my skin... and maybe I shouldn't be making a massive fuss about it all but knowing I can't have you the way I want, it's like repetitively driving a knife into me when I see you.
I do love you Elizabeth but I need to look after me first and what we had before was great, but things aren't like that for me anymore... and i think we need to spend some time apart...

--or we might never be friends again.

Maybe when we start filimg, we can go back to the way things were, but for now. I can't keep pulling myself in two opposite directions just to be around you.

Now that I think about it. It all makes sense, I guess I was looking through my eyes but I wasn't seeing anything.
I'm sorry I made you feel that way.

No, none of this is your fault, It's all me. You haven't done anything wrong. Don't be sorry for how you felt about me, you have the right to feel that way.
I still want to be friends with you, I just think that with some time apart, I can allow myself to heal before I get to an even worse place than where I'm already at.

So are we just going to cut ties altogether untill we start filming?

Yeah, I guess so.

Well, I'll see you in two months then.

*Both girls then got up and made their way to the door. They hugged each other for the last time. It was one of those hugs where neither girls wanted to let go, they both wondered if this was a mistake but as they hugged tighter, they knew it was for the best. Elizabeth then unwrapped her arms and moved her hands to the sides of Grace's head, leaning in to give her a kiss on her forehead. Grace let a few tear drops as she felt the warmth of Lizzie hands and lips on her face.

Grace then walked off slowly down the stairs. She wondered if Elizabeth was going to change her mind and run after her; but as she heard the door closed shut, she knew it wasn't going to happen.*

I'm Here [Elizabeth Olsen]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant