DAY 1 -part 1-

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We can see a beautiful girl who is sleeping in her simple room when suddenly her phone alarm rang , she gets up very quickly to turn it off .

It was 7 am every one was sleeping , she got up and got ready very quickly she was wearing a very simple daily pink outfit with very light makeup ,she took her phone,house keys and a file in her hand and went out on her tiptoes like a thief to do not disturb them ,finally out ,she notices a taxi which she sat in it .

Taxi driver : " where do you want to go ma'am?"
Avni : "khanna company" she answered happily ,the driver smiled back and started driving ,she opened the window to let the air touch her face .

AVNI's POV: " I hope that I will be able to impress them while giving the interview so that I can work in their company at least as a simple employee ,I really need to help my family" .
_end of POV_

On the other side in a very large and beautiful room of a mansion was sleeping a man when a servent came and started opening the windows , the sun rays touched the handsome face of our Neil khanna which made him wake up and go to the washroom to freshen up ,he came back to his bed to find his clothes and breakfast ready by a servent who was standing there waiting for his permission to go , he looked at him and blinked so he left .

After getting ready Neil was going to office , he was passing by the dining room where his family was having their breakfast.

Neil: " good morning every one" he murmured it and went out.

Shweta : "good morning my so.." yes she couldn't even complete her wish that he disappeared.

Prakash to yuvi: " I really can't understand why doesn't you brother ever have breakfast with us"

Yuvi: "yeah , even if he loves us more than anything but still he doesn't talk to us a lot ,I really wonder why!!"

Shweta: "he is my son and I know him well; it is just that he doesn't want to give his personal life more importance than his professional life and he just wants to work hard to give all of us a better future".

BEBE: "yes Neil is a very nice guy but he will be nicer the day he will start smiling ,I am really worried about his future ."

Everyone looked at her with weird faces ,until Prakash broke the silence .

Prakash : "but Bebe i don't get it , I mean Neil is the most famous and successful business man in the area so why would you be worried about his future ?"

Everyone turned back to Bebe waiting for her answer because they thought that Prakash was right.

BEBe sighed and said: " i am not worried about his future in his work ,I am worried about his personal life ! You guys tell me who would like to fall in love with him , I mean he is handsome and rich so girls fall for his looks and bank balance but not his soul ,so no one can marry a man who can't even smile ,this is what I meant by worried "

After getting her point everyone said in the same time :"ooooh "

Shweta:"you are right Bebe , but don't worry god always decides everyone's soulmate from the first day of their life and I am sure that his soulmate is somewhere and will enter his life one day to fill it with happiness "

Every one found shweta's words very beautiful except yuvi who was like (wtf ) ,when his phone rang and the screen showed "GF n•3 "he got up and ran fast.(afraid of his gf whom he doesn't even remember the name 🤦‍♂️)

Every one was laughing on him  ;they never took his relationships for serious because all they want is to find a nice girl for their Neil.

In Avni's house
everyone woke up ,her mother Aisha went to the kitchen to have some breakfast which avni makes every day since some years ,because cooking is her passion ,but SURPRISE ! for the third time in this week she didn't find it but a letter instead of it in which it was written (SORRY MOM TODAY I COULDN'T PREPARE BREAKFAST !YES AGAIN) ,Aisha started getting worried ;where is her daughter going these days so early without giving any explanation!, she decided to talk to her husband about it .

Aisha:"hasn't avni told you where was she going?"

Ashish: "no!" He sounded ver calm.His wife stared at him for sometime in silence then spoke .

Aisha:"don't you think she has a bf?"

Ashish knew that the conversation was becoming serious so he put his news paper aside and spoke :"i don't think so ,I mean she doesn't seem interested in all these things,and even if she has one ,you should be happy , you keep on saying that she should get married , and I'm sure she will choose the right person ; I trust her !"

Aisha:" I trust her too !" She smiled and went back to the kitchen afraid ; what if her daughter chooses a man like Ketan who loves money more than people ,after all she doesn't want to see her daughter (adopted) in the same problems she herself was going through some years ago , or what if she chooses someone poor?

So here is the first part of the first day of our avneil's beautiful journey.
I hope that you liked this one ☝️.
Thank you for the love and the support that you gave me for the prologue through the comments and votes .💕💕.

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