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Skylar's POV

Nova gasped out loud. "You scared the shit out of me."

Kyle just grinned in response as his gaze flickered from his sister and to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I frowned at him, turning around just so that creep wouldn't be out of sight. Leaning back against the almost-deflated tyre behind me, I whisper-hissed, "And why the fuck did you creep up on us?"

Chicken let out a loud meow, one that almost seemed purposeful. Maybe she wanted us to get caught. I directed a tiny glare at her and she innocently nudged her head to my side.

"I thought I saw someone familiar." He was still grinning in that so full of bullshit way, and it only seemed to frustrate me even more. Wasn't this supposed to be just a girls' night out? I didn't want Kyle here, for fuck's sake. Not when he so obviously reminded me of the gang he was a part of. And Caden. "It's not often that I get to see my sister and her roommate choosing evil above all." Oh, he definitely thought this was funny. It wasn't.

I didn't say anything, and when Kyle's eyes met mine under the night sky, his grin widened. Nova, who must've thought that Kyle couldn't be any more of a threat, went back at poking holes in Jessica's car.

"Whose car is this?" Kyle asked.

"How did you know we were here?" I asked him. "Were you following us?"

"I work here."

"Of course, you do." I bristled and Chicken pawed at my shoulder. "If you think for one second I'll believe you're not a dickheaded stalker, you are so fucking--"

"Wrong?" He cut me off, smirking, and kneeled down with just a foot between us. "I do work here though. See?" He lifted one corner of his jacket and I just about made the logo of the ice rink on his pale blue shirt before he shrugged it back on.

I looked over my shoulder and glared at Nova. "Did you know he'd be here?" And all of a sudden, I was in a foul mood.

Nova looked over at me, then at Kyle. "What?"

"Nothing." Kyle said.

"I can't fucking believe you two--" I trailed off as I tried registering the next words that left Kyle's mouth,

"I heard you broke up with your boyfriend."

I stared at him and I felt a cold shiver creep up my spine.

Nova perked up at that. "How in the hell do you know that?"

"Yes, Kyle, how do you know that?" I gritted my teeth.

"You told me." He looked at me.

"You did?" Nova asked in surprise, looking at me as well.

"No, I didn't!" I nearly yelled, then pointed a finger at Kyle. "Fuck off."

Kyle laughed and dragged a hand through his damp curls. I would've cussed him out some more if Nova hadn't interrupted on time.

"Can you both keep it down?" She hissed, waving her hand frantically at us just as the back door of the rink swung open. "Someone's coming! Hide!"

Kyle sidled up to my side, hiding from view behind the car. I glared at him.

"Why did you guys break up?" He asked me in an obviously loud whisper.

"Piss off." I hissed.

"Hey now," he raised his hands in surrender. "Just polite conversation, Sky."

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