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Skylar's POV

I was left baffled for the first few seconds when everything just went black.

And I don't just mean the computer screen. No, the entire library went dark. The lights, I realised in horror, had gone out.

Such specific timing to be a mere coincidence.

"What in the blind fu--" I started but was cut off by Alexis,

"Just a power breakdown." Except it wasn't just that since I'm pretty sure I heard the doubt in her voice too.

I pursed my lips anxiously and turned around in my seat, eyes wide and searching. It was pitch dark with just the sound of harsh rain pattering on the glass library doors.

It was creepy. Fucking awfully creepy.

"The lights went out just as you started the video." I broke the silence.

"Ever heard of a coincidence?"

"Oh." A small laugh out of mere nervousness left my lips. "There's no such thing as coincidences." At least not in my life.

Alexis didn't add anything to it, which made me even more anxious, because what if she left me here all alone? I probably wouldn't even notice. She'd left me stranded in a forest before.

I was just about to open my mouth again, say something that wouldn't necessarily depict the fear I felt right then, when a harsh glow of a phone flashlight filled my vision.

"Get your things." She held the flashlight towards me, though her eyes were fixed on the glass doors, alarmed.

"Why?" I whispered, but still picked up my coat and my phone. "Did you see someone?"

"No." She frowned, then cleared her throat. "I just have a feeling that someone's been following me since this morning."

My throat went dry as I stared. "Right."

She looked at me and her eyes were dark.

"What?" I snapped.

"I think I shouldn't leave you here if I do want you on my side." She seemed thoughtful, the frown long gone.

"On your side?" I nearly exclaimed, then switched on my phone because I really needed to call someone. "I'm not on your side."

"Yes, you are." She said. "You obviously know bits about Rena. She's alive. And we need to save her."

I stopped and looked up at her. It was surprising because she looked genuine. "Blake doesn't think all that's true."

"And that's why we need to show him this video." She pressed on, and then without waiting for me to say anything, she turned around. "Let's get out of here."

I was about to nod because hell no was I in favour of staying here either, when I heard a shuffling noise right behind me.

I yelped and turned around, eyes widening when I saw the computer screen coming to life once again, with the same video playing on it that Alexis had meant to show me.

"What the fuck?" I whispered, moving the mouse around. I looked over at Alexis who'd already stepped beside me. "The lights are out."

"The lights are out." She repeated my words, gaze alarmed and fixed on the computer screen.

Lost Heart √Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora