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Skylar's POV

There was an entire ninety-eight per cent chance that I might just die right now.

It was the two per cent left that had me going, the sheer probability of getting some answers without dying. And I was really, really rooting for that two per cent. Especially since, I think, my life was at stake too.

"Where the hell are you even?" Alex asked me over the phone as I slid into an empty booth of the cafe I was in. "I thought you said you'd be here ten minutes ago."

"Well, I will be." I whisper-hissed into the phone.

"You can't be." He corrected. "It's been an hour past your ten minutes, Sky."

"Not really."

"Yes, really." He sounded annoyed. "Where are you? The movie's starting in--well, it's already started."

I grimaced and had to hide my face behind the tall menu card in my hand as the person on the counter a few feet ahead of me looked around.

Who also happened to be my creepy hooded stalker. The dark-eyed girl from Blake's gang.

"I can't just leave this, Alex," I whispered. "You have to understand."

I heard a faint voice talking behind him over the phone, and I think that was Hanna. So much for wanting to be a third wheel.

"Say a hello to Hanna from me, will you?" I asked.

"Why are you whispering?" He whispered back, sounding a bit concerned.

I closed my eyes and hung my head low, rubbing my forehead. "I'm not." I so was.

Alex huffed loudly. "Where are you even?"

Stalking my stalker, I could've said. But I didn't. I peeked over the menu card and saw her still standing by the counter, waiting for her order. It was strange because whenever I'd seen her in the past, she'd always been dressed in black. All black and badass.

Now, though, she looked normal. Jeans and a loose blue tee didn't make her look any more dangerous than an average person. Only I knew what she was capable of.

"I've got some stuff to do," I told Alex.

"Yeah, you've been saying exactly that for the last three minutes."

"Look, I'm sorry but I can't come over to watch that movie with you two because I've seen someone that I really need to talk to." I kept my voice low, fidgeting with the menu card.

"Someone?" He sounded bewildered now.

"Someone who's been making my life a visible hell."

I perked up when I saw her grabbing a cup of coffee, and paying in cash, before heading for the exit. Oh no, she didn't.

"Gotta go, gotta go, I'll talk later. Love you. Bye." I hurried and ended the call, stuffing my phone in my coat pocket before running (not so discreet, I know. But desperate times call for desperate actions) after her.

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