Chapter 3: The test

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Chapter 3: The test

I opened my eyes, looking around the empty room. I stood up rubbing my eyes as I walked to the table. I sat down at the table, in front of a steamy cup of coffee, with a note under it.

"Sorry, meeting with Charles"

I crumpled the paper and threw it into the bin across the room, taking a long sip of the hot liquid. Grabbing the Spanish workbook and a pen from the table. I started to smile as I felt my body and mind relax for the first time in a while.

As I took the last sip of my coffee, the door opened. The smile dropped from my face, my peace and quiet was over. Aaron was the first to walk in. Not even looking at me, he walked over to his bed laying down, with his back to me. Travis closed the door after him and sat down across from me at the table.

"What did you talk about with Charles?" I was curious as to why Aaron left me alone. Travis' normal cheerful smile dropped.

"He told us that if we do not start working together, he will have no further need for our team." I slammed my fist into the table, making the cup jump as well as Travis.

"He will attend our training tomorrow, the training is a team exercise in the simulator." He finished, looking over at Aaron's back with a worried expression on his face. Both of my hands wrapped around my head, yanking slightly at my hair in frustration.

"He is only giving us one more chance? That means someone told him about the argument we had this afternoon." I said, looking into Travis' deep green eyes. The fact that he averted his eyes from mine, meant that he was the one who told Charles.

"I am sorry, I just wanted you to stop fighting, before you could get really hurt!" He said. I didn't wanna start a fight with him, so I stood up from my chair.

"Good night" I said as I was already walking towards my bed.

"Good night" I heard him say before I layed down, closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes looking up at the ceiling, listening to the birds chirping outside the window. I sat up, stretching my arms over my head. I looked over at the bunk bed, at the two sleeping men. I liked them a lot more when they were asleep, but we had a lot to discuss before seeing Charles.

"Rise and shine boys, it is time to get up!" I yelled jumping up from my bed. I saw Aaron opened his eyes looking at me, before closing them again, turning around so his back was to me.

I walked to the bathroom getting ready and putting on a fresh set of clothes.

By the time I exited the bathroom, they had both changed into training clothes and were sitting at the table. I sat down so I could see both of them at the same time.

"We need to talk, before seeing Charles" Travis started, forcing a smile. I waited to see if Aaron was gonna say something, but when he didn't I gave him a peace of my mind.

"Listen Aaron, I am willing to let what happened yesterday go, but I am gonna make one thing clear. What happened before we got here, what we experienced, what we did, what happened to us, before we got here doesn't matter! I don't wanna know about your past unless it is of most importance, and my past does not concern any of you. And it is not my fault that Charles likes me better than you... So you better stop with the snarky comments" I finished, out of breath feeling my hands bolt into fists. The two men watched me shocked, none of them made a move to say something, so I stood up.

"Now let's get some breakfast, and then show Charles that he is wrong about our team." Travis cheered, again with his smile plastered on his face.

We ate breakfast in silence, but together nonetheless.

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