Chapter 17: Home

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Chapter 17: Home

"I am really proud of your progress Alice" Xander, smiled over at me. I smiled back, leaning back in my chair. My weekly sessions with Xander had not been as bad as I thought, during the last couple of months.

"So I thought Today that we would talk about the month that has passed." Xander, crossed his legs and leaned back in his own chair.

"Well Aaron only took a week to recover and then we started to train again. We actually did a tournament workout yesterday, for the first time as a team." I felt a sense of pride, when talking about our progress together.

"And what about the dreams?" He asked. A month ago, I would have become hostile, when confronted with this question, but today I just shrug my shoulders.

"No flashback, and I have only had about one nightmare a week." Things had definitely been better, since my talk with Charles and Aaron.

"And have those dreams been about Aaron, James or Lukas?"

"Mostly James, but also Aaron" I said feeling a slight tug at my heart, but shook it off, today was a good day.

"That is good, I am glad to hear that, well I guess that means that this session is over, and you can go join the party." He smiled at me and followed me to the door, holding it open for me.

"I see you there" I gave him a last smile, before stepping into the hall and hearing the door gently close behind me.

The dining hall had all been decorated with lights and lots of food, people were all sitting at the tables, talking and eating together. I quickly spotted Aaron and Travis, sitting at a round table with Levi, Mack and Nicole. I walked over to them and sat down between Travis and Nicole, greeting them, as I started pilling food onto my plate.

"How did it go, you were really quick this time?" Travis, asked about my sesion. I smiled at his slight worry.

"It went well, Xander says I have been making a lot of progress in the last month." I said, finally digging into the delicious smelling food.

The small chatter that had filled the room died down, when Charles stood up at the staff table.

"I would like to say thank you to each one of you, I have just received news that the cases of James Santos murder, and the incident at the mansion party, have been stopped and deemed as a gang related crime." We all cheered and clapped, I especially took a second to look around at the people around me. Travis and Levi were close to tears. Aaron and Nicole were looking high and proud. And Mack was like me just observing the others with a small smile on his lips. I turned my eyes back to Charles sensing that he had more to say.

"Now I am not saying that all the major crime in town has died or given up, because it haven't they will come back bigger and stronger than ever, but we will be ready for them. I am truly proud of all of your progress and team spirit, and therefore I would like for you to join me in a toast to each team." We all stood up, raising our glasses in the air.

"To white team, who have trained you, fed you and patched you up after battle!" He yelled and raised his glass high.

"To white team!" We all roared, turning to the staff table, where the trainers, chefs and medics stood, smiling back at us. They were many in numbers, most I didn't even know by name, but Xander, Charles, Jess and Sam were welcoming faces to see in the crowd.

"To red team, who had gotten the critical information that have told us where to strike, and who have been keeping the police of our backs!"

"To red team!" I looked over at the table with red team, I had never really talked to any of the four, since they were never really here, they were always out doing stuff in the city.

"To blue team, who we can always count on to come and save not only our asses, but also others, in dire need of rescue!"

"To blue team!" Dante, Gilbert and Laurence, all stood proud and smiled at the people around them. They were the team that I had at first seen as the weak links, but now I knew better, they might never fire a gun, but they do their parts flawlessly.

"To yellow team, who have been keeping the drug industry at its knees, and have been the ones to help with undercover work in the underground!"

"To yellow team!" I was brought closer to yellow team on account of the incident with Lukas and James, and I have really enjoyed their company. Levi and Mack have become somewhat little brothers to me and Nicole, a great training partner, when the boys were busy.

"And last but not least, to black team, who have been the ones to keep us going, to show us that there are no limits, and have been the once single handedly taking out Lukas, James Santos and the whole financial support for the underground! They have been through a lot, but have never lost themselves, and continue to amaze us all with their determination and talent!"

"To black team!" At that moment the three of us looked at each other, with tears in our eyes and smiles on our lips.

After the toast, we all sat down and continued eating and talking together. In all of the years I have called this place my home, we have never held a party like this and never had a sense of community and unity together like this.

This was truly home;

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