Part 2: Your Team is your Family Chapter 8: New Challenges

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Part 2: Your Team is your Family
Chapter 8: New challenges

The most loved and dreaded day of the year had finally come. The day where, through a series of tests and challenges, we would all know who is the best in their area of expertise. I have always loved this day, getting to challenge myself and prove that I am among the best that this school has to offer.

We were all waiting in the biggest trainninghall, waiting for Charles to start the usual "games", but something felt different about this tournament. My suspicion was proven right, when Charles spoke over the speakers.

"This year's tournament, will only consist of one challenges..... and that challenge is capture the flag! of course in your teams"

Cheers were heard from the other teams, but the only thing going through my mind was "We are screwed!"

Next thing I know, Travis, Aaron and I are standing in the front of the forest with the rest of the teams, all looking at Charles, smiling like he just won the lottery.

"Each team will have to choose a team captain. The team captains will come with me!" He announced.

I turned to Aaron, as he was smiling just like Charles.

"I think I will be taking the role as team captain." He said, Travis looked between Aaron and I, an uneasy smile on his face, he knew that this would not end well. I laughed, catching the attention of the surrounding teams.

"I don't think so Aaron"

"And why is that?"

"Because you owe me a favor, from last night. Aaaand I would like to cash in that favor right now" He closed his eyes, pinching the bright off his nose.

"That settles it, I will be our team captain!" I yelled, as I walked towards Charles and the other team captains, who had all been staring at our little argument.

I looked over my shoulder, seeing that Aaron was foaming and Travis was trying to calm him down. As I finally joined the others, Charles was handing out headbands in different colors. He handed me 3 in black and then turned around to address all of us.

"The game rules are simple. You will each get a flag which you must protect. You will all be armed with our standard paintball guns. If you get hit you are out. If another team manages to bring your flag to me, then your team has lost the game. Last team standing wins. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes sir"

"Great, now get going. Here is a map of your start positions and where you can find your flags and guns"

Travis was holding the map, steering us through the trees in the dark forest, while mumbling about which way to go next.

"So what is the plan, Team captain?" Aaron asked, emphasizing the words "team captain", as we neared the clearing where we had to get our stuff.

"As soon as Charles blows the whistle we, grab our stuff and move to the edge of forest, we definitely don't want to get trapped in the middle of the other teams"

We were wearing white shirts and our black headband holding our paintball guns, loaded with black paint. Aaron was holding our flag close to his body, as we made our way between the dead silent trees.

"Don't tell me you want us to play defense?!" Aaron whispered as I motioned for us to stop near a clearing.

"No, but I have a very risky plan" I said, after making sure that no one was nearby.

"We go after the teams, one after one, picking up the teams in the other of their skill level" I continued. Aaron smiled

"The first team is white team then, the personal trainers" Travis counted on his fingers. Aaron smiled even brighter.

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