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Your PoV:

I felt air brush against my skin as my stomach twisted. I opened my eyes while gasping and looking around.

Am I floating? Clocks, different sizes and colors, were everywhere. They seemed to get closer, but they were still far away.

Where am I? I looked down and saw an endless void. What the hell? I looked back at one of the clocks, only to see a giant eye instead.

I looked around and all the clocks were replaced with eyes. As I fell, they followed me.

Then I fell into some liquid, but it didn't seem to soak me as I fell more. I gasped as I saw a huge portal like thing in the sky as it seemed to get farther away.

I looked down and saw the ground, I was about to fall face first. I screamed a bit. Then out of instinct my body fixed itself and I landed feet first. What?!

I looked down at my feet, only to see white boots. Hm? I looked around and walked toward a store. I admired my reflection before noticing the pink outfit I was wearing. (^^ You can change the color :3) I have ears?!

I smiled while staring at the cat ears that rested on my head, I gasped. Horns?! A tail?! So cool! And headphones?! Black ash covered my eyes, and it wouldn't come off. My hair was a charcoal black with white tips. I smiled, it was wider than the Cheshire Cat!

As I looked around, I felt familiar with the place I was in. Kinda like I already knew where I was and where everything was at.

I'm in hell... Fuck yeah! A familiar scent caught my attention as I looked to my left. A store huh? I smell some goodies~! I headed inside, not much demons were here. I even heard some cat call me.

I sighed and placed my headphones on, thinking of a song and smiled as it played. I walked around the aisles while humming. I looked up and noticed my favorite snack on the top aisle.

Damnit! Of course it had to be high up! I reached my hand up while jumping a bit, struggling. I didn't notice my skirt lifted a bit as I did so. I was about to give up, until someone lifted me up.

I stopped the music and took my headphones off. "Need some help sugar~?" I looked down and noticed a spider demon, he smirked at me. I nodded and quickly grabbed my snack. He set me down and bowed.

"My name is Angel Dust! What about you dear~?" He kisses my hand. (I know he is supposed to be gay but he'll be bi in this story!) Fuck, what is my name..?

I dug deep into my head, but only one word came to mind. I looked at at him and smiled. "Call me N/N!" He smiled and laughed. "It would be my pleasure!" I headed over and payed, walking out as Angel followed me.

"So, where you headed?" I shrugged. "I was going to find a place to stay.. There is no way I'm going to sleep in the fucking streets!" He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, another one around my waist.

"Well your in luck! I know just the perfect place for you! Lets go!" I followed him as we pasted many buildings, demons all around us tried to get my attention. But Angel scared them off with a warning.

A hotel came into view as I read it. "Hazbin Hotel? Sounds interesting!" Angel just laughed and opened the door for me. I walked in and looked around. "Angel! Where have you been?!" Two females stormed toward him.

"I was going to get some drugs bu-" "But nothing! You're supposed to find some demons that would like to stay in this fucking hotel! And you went to get drugs?!"

A girl with grey skin and a bow yelled at Angel, another one with blonde hair tried to break them up. I just stood there, confused and hungry.

I looked around and noticed some sort of bar. I walked toward it while playing with my hair, this demon seemed interesting. "What the hell do you want?"

"Do you guys have any Mild Ale?" He seemed quite shocked, but nodded while pouring me a glass. My tail swished behind me as I slowly drank it.

As I turned around, the blondie from before held out her hand. "Welcome to Hazbin Hotel! My name is Charlie!" I shook her hand while putting the glass down.

"N/N.." She smiled. "Let's get you a room!" Charlie grabbed my hand while walking toward the other girl. "We got a other one!" She glanced at me.

I waved shyly as my ears flatten. "Vaggie this is N/N, N/N Vaggie!" We shook hands, she then pointed at Charlie while glaring at me. "I swear if you hurt her in anyway I'll make sure you won't ever again!"

"Vaggie! No!" I backed away while frowning, before snatching my key and running in the halls. "The hotel is still a work in progress! So you'll be sharing a room with a friend of mine!"

A friend of Charlies? I wonder who.. I walked around the halls, trying to find my room. "Hi there!" I screamed a but as a small demon appeared. She tilted her head.

"Are you lost? Do you need help finding your room?" I nodded and showed her my key. She nodded while grabbing my hand and leading me.

We soon came upon a F/C door. "Here you go! Room 665!" "Thank you....." I trailed off. "Nifty! Bye bye now!" She then skipped off. Strange. I unlocked the door and walked in.

It was like a normal hotel room, except it was two colors. Red and F/C. (If your favorite color is red, pick another XD)

I jumped on the F/C, snuggling my face in the pillow. Maybe a small nap wouldn't hurt, I'm exhausted.. I closed my eyes, drifting off to dream land.

Alastor PoV:

"Damn you Alastor!" Sir Pentious shouted as his ship exploded. That's the fifth time he has tried to attack me... "I shall defeat you one day!" "Whatever makes you happy!"

His smile fell as mine grew. He then shouted more at me before him as his egg friends walked off. "What an exciting way to start the day!" I laughed.

I then started to make my way back to the hotel, enjoying the sight of some demons not succeeding. "Goodie! You're back!" Nifty ran toward me while hugging my leg.

"Indeed I am!" I patted her head as she smiled. Nifty seemed to follow me as I headed to my room, I eyed her suspiciously. "May I ask why you're following me?"

She nodded. "Due to the construction on the hotel, we have a new guest and she will be sharing a room with you!" That explains the other color.. "Thank you for informing me! You're dismissed!"

Nifty smiled and walked off. I slowly opened the door to my room and peeked in. I saw a figure on the other bed and went to check it out. So it is a she!

I examined her before placing a blanket on top of the small female. She's a cat demon.. Very interesting! "Alastor! Sir Pentious is back!" I screamed in my head, my smile shrinking a bit.

Hasn't he given up? Why is he so determined? I stared at the female, she seemed to frown and stirr a bit. I felt a little angry at that.

I only rubbed her arm in a soothing manner, she calmed down while sighing. A smile soon formed on her face as she faced me. Much bett-


"Coming dear! I'll be right down!" I took one last look at the female before going to deal with the snake fellow, my shadow growing bigger with every step.

This should be fun!

Triangle Love (Alastor × Reader × Angel)Where stories live. Discover now