Chapter 10:A New Friend

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I wake up and quickly get dressed ready to see all of my friends. I grab a piece of toast and quickly go to walk when my dad stops me. "Where do you think you are going?" I look for a way out but seeing as I can't get past him I sigh. "I was going to go to school early." My dad grabs his keys and starts to walk outside. I smile and follow him out to the car, once I get inside my dad sighs, "Daniel I need to have a talk with you" I look up confused and I can see a grave look on his face, "Another alpha has declared war on our pack and I'm worried about you, if it gets bad I want you to take your friends and go to the neighboring pack. Tell him that beta Cody sent you. He'll let you in." I stare worried but nod as I know this wasn't a question. He drops me off and I go over to my friends. I smile at them and we all go inside. We go to the library grabbing a few books on sports and other things. I grab a book that says royals with a confused look on my face. I flip through it and I end up on a page with the last name Rose. For some reason, I feel like I know this from somewhere, but I shrug it off. James walks over and looks at it, "Oh hey you found the book on the royals, did you know that the Rose family is the strongest pack and if your pack is allied with them no one will mess with you!" I stare at the book with a smile as a new thought came to mind. What if I asked for help? Will they help? All I know is that it's worth a shot, I need to save my pack. I quickly put the book in my bag and look around for maps. I flip through the maps and find a map with a path to the kingdom from here. I put it in my bag also as I continue to think of what to do. James stares at me confused but then his eyes widen with realization, "Daniel are you insane? The Royals won't just let you stroll into the kingdom." I nod to James but I already figured out how to get in. "Come on let's do this! I know a way we can get in but I can't do this alone. Our pack is in danger and the royals are our only way to survive!" James frowns but nods, "Okay, let's go." I pack a bunch of things that we will need and we sneak back into the main packhouse. I quietly sneak into my dad's room and take a few hundred for the trip. As we are leaving towards the pack border someone in wolf form runs up to us. He shifts revealing that he was one of the boys from the school, "Hey I overheard you guys in the library and I want to help!" I look over to James and he shrugs then says, "Why do you want to help?" The new kid smiles, "I've always wanted to visit the kingdom!" I nod with a smile, James does too and looks back at him, "Okay you're in" He pumps a fist in the air and starts to follow us. "I'm Jacob by the way" I smile and James answers him, "I'm James and this is Daniel." I smile as we walk and James and Jacob continue to talk, and this is the beginning of our journey to the kingdom.  

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